Selecciona el "phrasal verb" correcto para cada frase.
chairman of the company is (retirarse, dimitir) next year to make way for a
younger person. During the
Fallas festival in Valencia, the streets are full of people
(hacer explotar) fireworks.
The runners were neck and neck for most of the race, and then the
German runner (apartarse bruscamente de uno) to win by a few
metres. On Black
Friday in America, many products are (rebajar el precio de) considerably. You can save a
lot of money.
I might be
a few minutes late, so (esperar, estar al tanto) me. I'll be wearing a red
T-shirt. That dog
looks dangerous. I'd (mantenerse atrás, alejarse) if I were you. I'm going
in to (ponerse -deprisa-) a sweater before we go for a
walk. It's turned quite cold. I'm sorry
I can't meet you tonight, but I'll (recompensar) you this weekend, I promise.
I'm going
to stop here to take some photos. You (seguir andando o caminando) and I'll catch you up
in a bit. I don't
believe that Pepito's getting married. I think you're
(tomar el pelo a).
(subir) the car and I'll give you a lift to the
station. During the
war my grandparents had to (pasar sin, prescindir de) a lot of things.
I had a
drink with Roger the other day. he can really
(beberse de un trago, rápidamente o en grandes
cantidades) the whisky. The kids
are being very quiet upstairs. I wonder what they're
(hacer travesuras, hacer algo malo). I hope
there'll be enough meat to (bastar, ser suficiente). Maybe I should have
cooked some more. I've
decided to (cambiar a, pasar a) an Android phone. I can see
the screen properly on the iPhone, it's too small.
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