Selecciona el "phrasal verb" correcto para cada frase.
Has it
(dejar de/acabar, terminar) raining yet? I want to
to the shops to get some milk. The
neighbours have (convertir en, transformar en) a games room and
they've invited us over for a game of table tennis. You're
dad's always (dormirse, dar cabezadas) in front of the TV. Sandra
won't be coming to work for a few days. Her mother
(pasar a mejor vida) yesterday and she'll be
organizing the funeral.
I'm going
to change my car next year. I've been (ahorrar, tener dinero ahorrado) some money each
month for over a year now. I can't
meet you for coffee. I've got to (estar en casa esperando a uno) for the electrician.
Why don't you come round to my place for a drink? If our
video camera stops working while we're on holiday, we can always
(apoyarse en) the camera in your mobile phone. Can you
help me? I need some stuff that's in that box on the top shelf and I
cant (alcanzar, llegar a) it.
I think
you should throw that fish away. It's (emitir) a horrible smell. That man's
walking away with our tickets! (perseguir, andar tras) him and make sure he
doesn't disappear. I didn't
really want a black car either. But after we've lived with it for a
while I'm sure it'll (llegar a gustar) us. Have a
look at the contract we've agreed on, but please
(devolver) to me before you leave because I don't
have another copy.
When she
offered me the job I (aceptar sin pensarlo) it
immediately. It's a wonderful opportunity. I wish he
wouldn't (insistir en, no parar de hablar de) getting a new TV. The one we have is perfectly ok to watch football. I was
having a private talk with my boss and his secretary
(entrar sin llamar/ interrumpir a alguien) without knocking. I was
really angry. We used to
have a dog, but he was (atropellar) by a car a few years
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