Selecciona el "phrasal verb" correcto para cada frase.
What time
do you have to
(levantarse) tomorrow? This
shirt's too small. I'll have to
(devolver) tomorrow. Sandra's
off sick today, so we'll have to
(posponer) the meeting until next week. Please
(sentarse) and make yourself comfortable. Mr. Smith
will be with you in a few minutes.
I have to
go to London on business for a few days. Would you mind
(cuidarse) my cat while I'm away. If you
(reducir, bajar, restringir el consumo) on smoking,
drinking and sex, you don't live longer. It just seems like it. It’s
difficult to
(educar) four children on a bus driver’s salary. If it’s
raining this afternoon, can you
(buscar, recoger) from work?
If you
don’t have his number, why don’t you
(buscar) in the phone book? The only
reason you go to that horrible bar is to
(flirtear, ligar con alguien) girls. It was so
windy yesterday that my car alarm
(sonar). Go to bed
now if you don’t feel well, and I’ll
(subir) some hot chocolate.
Go to your
bedroom NOW and
(recoger) all your dirty clothes! I’ve been
given more work and I’m earning more money this month, so things are
(mejorar). My parents
hate talking about my job at the strip club, so please don’t
(mencionar). Our
business hasn’t
(tener exito) yet, but it’s only the first year.
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