Selecciona el "phrasal verb" correcto para cada frase.
If I'm not
making more money six months from now, I'll have to
(dejar, colgar) trying to be a musician and get a
regular job that pays more. When you
see your sister, can you remind her to
(devolver) that $50 she borrowed last month? If Pepito
doesn't stop drinking beer everyday, he's going to
(acabar, terminar) a bloody alcoholic! My parents
opened a small family business three years ago, but it
(fracasar, quedar en nada) and now my dad's
Did you
(ligar) anyone at the party last Saturday? Do you
(sentirse con ánimos para, sentirse con fuerzas para)
going out tonight? To be honest, I'd rather stay in. In my
opinion we should
(proceder) and launch the new software next month.
(to launch=lanzar) That new
toy we bought for Pepito was a waste of money. As soon as he picked
it up it
(romperse, deshacerse, caerse a pedazos)
(enamorarse de) with her the first time I saw her. I can't
(comprender, explicarse) why she hasn't left him.
He treats her really badly. We should
(reunirse, juntarse/juntar) before you go away for
Easter. Can you make dinner next Friday? I used to
be really close to my sister, but we've
(distanciarse) since she got married and moved to
thieves who broke into the bank
(escaparse, irse) with over 2 million euros. I
(coger, pillar) the flu last Wednesday and I haven't been
to work since. You can't
say no now and
(romper, no cumplir) the promise you made me last month. I really
(compadecer a, compadecerse de) the people who have lost
their jobs in the recession and have a family to support and a
mortgage to pay.
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