Selecciona el "phrasal verb" correcto para cada frase.
I've been
drinking in that bar on credit for three months. I must have
(acumular) a huge bill by now. It's
really difficult to
(adelantar, progresar) in my profession unless you
have good contacts. The best
way to remove a plaster (esparadrapo, tirita) is to
(quitar de un tirón/quitarse de prisa) quickly. It
won't hurt so much of you do that. Damn! I've
left my wallet upstairs. Do me a favour and
(subir corriendo) and get it, will you? It's on the
bedside table.
I've been
(llevarse -bien- con) my boss much better since we
went out for a drink together. I threw a
ball of paper at Pepito in class today and David
(delatar) me. I'm never going to speak to him again. I think
those girls are
(mirar) us. Shall we go over and buy them a drink? I'm sorry
Simon. I can't
(estar de acuerdo con) your idea to lower the price.
I think we should look at other ways of increasing sales.
Let's wait
and see how the first quarter from January to March
(salir, resultar) , and then we can decide on our
strategy for the rest of the year. I love
this necklace. It was
(pasar/transmitir) to me from my great grandmother. Let's wait
and see how the first quarter from January to March
(salir, resultar) , and then we can decide on our
strategy for the rest of the year. I think
the US should
(librarse de/dejar) Iraq, Afganistan and all the
other countries and stop acting as global policemen.
What do
(pensar, opinar) this new technology for self-driving
cars? The police
(investigar) several cases of identity theft on the
Internet. What time
did you
(llegar a, entrar en) work this morning? I've
(respetar) my dad because he had to leave school at
14 and work really hard all his life to raise me and my sister.
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