Selecciona el "phrasal verb" correcto para cada frase.
brother's really sexy. He
(parecerse a) Tom Cruise. You'd
better stop at the next petrol station and
(llenar, llenarse) with petrol. I don't
know know where Pepito is. I think he must have
(escaparse) the back door when no one was looking. Pepito
didn't want to steal her purse, but his friends
(animar, incitar)
If you
don't go away and stop annoying me this is going to
(acabar en, terminar con) tears. When the
waitress dropped the drinks on the floor for the second time,
(troncharse, partirse de risa) laughing. We can go
on holiday next month if I can find someone to
(sustituir a) me at work. The police
stopped me on the motorway for speeding, but I
(salir impune de) a warning.
Have you
heard about Amparo who lives next door? She left her husband and
children and
(escaparse con) her Pilates instructor to live in
Milan! I was
walking along drunk last night and I
(tropezar con/caerse) a rubbish bin and cut my leg. There's
quite a big distance between shops, houses and businesses in many
American cities. It's very difficult to
(moverse, desplazarse) without a car. Why should
you work extra hours and not get paid for them? Don't
(ceder ante) your boss. Tell him you want more
I have to
take Juan to school. Could you
(tender) the washing before you go out darling? There's a
meeting on Friday about the new advertising promotion. Can you
(hacer deprisa, hacer rápidamente) a presentation
to explain the campaign? Yes I know
the light bulb needs to be changed, and the shelves have to be put
up darling, but I haven't
(encontrar tiempo) doing them yet. The
unemployment situation is getting worse in Spain. Ford are going to
(despedir) 4,000 more workers next month.
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