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"Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune."
Jim Rohn

Getting engaged.

Use the correct form of the following words and expressions to complete the sentences. Be careful! You may need to make changes such as verb tense, prepositions etc.

set a date               ask                propose

             get engaged         arrange

1. I remember the day my husband me. We were in a lovely restaurant in Venice.
2. In some cultures it’s common for parents to their children’s marriages.
3. Guess what! Simon and Sandra have just each other! They want to have the wedding some time next spring, but they haven’t yet.
4. My boss marry him last week. He said he was joking, but I know he really wants to start a family.
Answers Check your answers.    

People at the wedding

Choose the best word to complete each sentence.

1. When two people get married, the man is called the and the woman is called the .
2. The chief attendant of the groom at the wedding is the .
3. A young woman who attends the bride at a wedding ceremony is called the .
4. The man who performs the wedding ceremony in a church is the .
5. A man who shows people where they should sit is called the .

Answers Check your answers.

A Best Man’s Speech

Before you listen to the best man’s speech at a wedding, read the following questions.

1. Where did the speaker (the best man) claim to have looked for ideas for his speech?

2. When was Simon (the groom) born?

3. How many messages does the best man read out?

4. Who is going to make a speech after the best man?
Now listen to the speech and answer the questions.

Answers Check your answers.

Read the following multiple choice questions.

1. According to the speaker, the best man's speech should last

2. The best man says that the ushers

3. The best man didn’t use any of the speeches he found on the Internet because

4. Why was Simon different from the other kids at playschool?

5. The expression "Let's just let sleeping dogs lie" means

6. which of the following qualities does the best man NOT suggest that marriage will teach the groom

7. The verb "to toast" (also a noun – to propose a toast) means to drink to the health (and/or respect) of someone. Who does Simon propose a toast to?


Listen again and answer the questions.

Answers Check your answers.

Listen again 

Read the speech transcription. How many jokes do you understand?.

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