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You’re going to listen to Craig telling a true story about when he used to work in London. Before you listen, read the following questions.

   1. What was Craig’s job?
   2. Where did Craig meet Alan?
   3. What was unusual about Alan’s body?
Now listen and answer the questions.


   1. What was Craig’s job?

   2. Where did Craig meet Alan?

   3. What was unusual about Alan’s body?

Answers Check your answers.

Now listen again and put the events of Craig's story in their correct chronological order (1 – 8). Follow the example.



Craig bought Alan a drink.
Alan came into the pub and took off his false leg.
Alan put his false leg on the bar.
Craig met Alan in a London pub.
Alan got totally drunk.
Alan lost his leg.
Alan was a British soldier in Northern Ireland.
Alan drank 4 or 5 beers.

Answers Check your answers.

Listen again and read the transcription.


Choose the best verb form for each of the following sentences.

1. Craig knew that Alan used to be a soldier because he told him he in Northern Ireland with the British army.

2. Alan walked in the pub when Craig behind the bar.

3. It was obvious that Alan a lot that morning because Craig remembered serving him 4 or 5 beers.

4. Alan in the pub, up to the bar, his leg off and it on the bar.

5. Alan lost his right leg while he in Northern Ireland.

6. Alan asked Craig to fill up his leg with beer after he it off.

Answers Check your answers.


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