Now look at the pictures and try to remember the words and write them next to
the pictures. If you can’t remember, check the word list or look at the answers.
Word list:
Put the
following words in the correct spaces in the text.
Angeles and I are going on holiday to India this year. We have to go in August because of work. Not many people go to India in August because of the heat. When we went to the
to book our flight we were able to get very cheap
. Prices are always cheaper
when there aren’t many people.
In some parts of Europe August is
. This means that the hotels are full, the beaches
, and everything is more expensive.
We live in Spain and there are some lovely
here, but we like to go
and see different countries. We don’t like
where everything is arranged and organized for us. We prefer to stay in
and not in luxury hotels.
Listen to the complete text to check your answers.
Listen again (without looking at the text). Can you remember the vocabulary?
Say the words before you hear them.
Abroad or Foreign? 'Abroad' funciona como adverbio, y se traduce como 'en el
extranjero', 'al extranjero'.
Have you ever been abroad? / Has estado en el extranjero alguna vez?
We like to go abroad and see different countries. / Nos gusta ir al
extranjero y ver diferentes naciones.
'Foreign' funciona como adjetivo y significa 'extranjero' (relativo
a una nación distinta a la nuestra).
I am the foreign correspondent in Washington for 'El País'
Soy el corresponsal extranjero en Washington de 'El País'
Las divisas o moneda extranjera reciben el nombre de 'foreign currency'
y 'foreigner' (extranjero) es como se llama a los naturales de
otros países. Cuidado, no confundir con 'stranger' que significa 'desconocido'.