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Put these three rules of public speaking in the correct order.




Now read three separate paragraphs which give advice on how to give a successful presentation. Match the paragraphs to the three headings.

1. Tell Them What You're Going to Tell Them
2. Tell Them What You Want Them to Know
3. Tell Them What You Told Them

a) Make sure your presentation is organised and use key words, for example: "I will discuss three of the financial statements that are most important to investors. The first is the cash flow statement... Second is the balance sheet ... And finally we'll discuss the income statement". The more organized you are, the more professional you will appear to your audience. When you have finished each section of your presentation, summarize it before you move on to the next section. This gives your audience a chance to catch up with you if they fell asleep or got lost or confused, for example: "I have covered the three financial statements and now I will discuss the four aspects of our marketing plan."

b) It’s a good idea to have an effective slide or visual with which to summarize your presentation. Try to make a big impact when you finish to make your presentation memorable. 90% of your audience will remember the opening and the conclusion of your presentation If they are done creatively and professionally. Don’t just say, “That’s it.” or “I’ve run out of time.”

c) It may sound obvious, but before you do anything else you should introduce yourself. Next you should get the attention of your audience. You could ask them a question, tell them an interesting or surprising fact or statistic, show a visual or use a quote. Whatever you decide to do to get their attention, it should be effective and stimulate their interest. When you have their attention, tell them what you are going to talk about and what they can expect from your talk. If more than one person is speaking, say who is going to cover each section.


Choose the best word to complete the expressions.

1. Good eye
2. A strong
3. A smart and professional
4. Careful
5. Good body
6. A good sense of
7. An enthusiastic
8. A creative use of

Here are some useful expressions to help you structure your presentation. Choose the correct preposition for each expression.

1. To give you an example what I mean, ...
2. Moving my next point, ...
3. Let me conclude saying...
4. To sum then, ...
5. To expand that point...
6. To start then, ...
7. To go to what I was saying, ...
8. Let's begin looking at...
9. To say a bit more that, ...
10. To turn now a different matter, ...
11. Ok, now I'll look ...


Now write the above expressions in the correct group. Follow the examples.

Returning to an important point

Expanding a point


Beginning the presentation
To change the topic

Listen Listen and repeat the expressions.

Here are some more useful expressions for presentations. Write them in the correct group below. Follow the examples.

·If you look at this diagram, …
·I’m sure you are aware that…
·Well, that’s all I have to say. Thank you very much for your attention.
·Let me introduce myself. My name’s….
·If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Referring to visuals



Introducing yourself
Referring to the audience's knowledge
Inviting questions

Listen Listen and repeat the expressions.

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