is a complete presentation graphics package. It gives you
everything you need to produce a professional-looking presentation.
PowerPoint offers word processing, outlining, drawing, graphing, and
presentation management tools- all designed to be easy to use and
The following gives you a quick overview of what you can do in
- When you create a presentation using PowerPoint, the presentation is
made up of a series of slides. The slides that you create using
PowerPoint can also be presented as overhead transparencies or 35mm
- In addition to slides, you can print audience handouts, outlines,
and speaker's notes.
- You can format all the slides in a presentation.
- You can keep your entire presentation in a single file all your
slides, speaker's notes, and audience handouts.
- You can import what you have created in other products, such as Word
and Excel into any of your slides.
Begin with a solid argument.
Include slides that reinforce your words, not slides that repeat your
Substitute intense visual images for bullet points.
Avoid the pre-defined templates imposed by PowerPoint wizards.
Stay away from distracting backgrounds
Emphasize visual legibility (readable text on a plain background)
Avoid dissolves, spins and other transitions.
Test your presentation with colleagues.
Don't feel that you are slave to the PowerPoint. If the class flows in
a new direction, you should be able to adapt on the fly.
Animations: Animations are
effects that allow you to reveal the points on a slide one by one.
Background: The Background dialog box provides various options
that let you change the background look of a single slide or every
slide in the presentation.
Bullets: Bullets are dots, arrows, or other symbols used to
identify items in a list.
Clip Art: Clip art is a collection of professionally designed
images that can be inserted into a presentation.
Graphics: Graphics are images such as clip art, word art,
graphs, and charts.
Handouts: Handouts are smaller versions of your slides that are
printed and can be distributed to the audience.
Presentation: A presentation is a collection of slides,
handouts, speaker's notes, and an outline, all combined into a file
that can be printed onto transparencies or projected from a computer.
Slides: Slides are the individual pages of your presentation.
Slides can be designed with different titles, graphics, text, and much
Speaker's Notes: Speaker's Notes are pages with a copy of a
slide on top and space below it for taking notes.
Template: A template is a slide or presentation that provides a
predefined format and colour scheme that can be applied to another
Transition: A transition is an effect that can be run between
slides to signal a shift from one slide to the next.