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This recipe can be adapted to use whatever fruit is delicious and in season. It is particularly good made with rhubarb or blackberries. My personal favourite is an apple and rhubarb combination. You can try other fruits. Be creative!


Crumble Topping

230 grs flour
170 grs unsalted butter
1 tablespoon cinnamon
120 grs brown sugar


4 or 5 medium apples Granny Smith or other tart apples.
The juice of one fresh lemon.
50 grs sugar
50 grs unsalted butter.

Preparation Instructions

1. Preheat oven to 180º C.
2. Peel, core and slice apples.
3. Put them in an oven-safe dish.
4. Sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar and mix with lemon juice.
5. Put a piece of aluminium foil over the apples, cut a few holes in the top and bake for 30 minutes.
6. Meanwhile, combine the crumble ingredients in a large bowl.
7. Mix together sugar, flour and cinnamon.
8. Add the butter, and mix the ingredients together coarsely with your fingers, pinching the mixture to form small crumbs.
9. Once the apples have baked, remove from the oven.
10. Spread the crumble evenly on the fruit and return to the oven uncovered. 
11. Bake in a moderate oven (180, 200ºC ) for approximately 45 minutes until the top is light brown.
12. Serve warm or cold with custard, cream or vanilla ice cream. 

to crumble = desmoronarse, deshacerse 
to peel = pelar
to core = quitar el corazón
to combine = combinar
bowl* = cuenco, tazón

*'Bowl' se utiliza en algunas palabras compuestas que se
traducen generalmente en una sola palabra:
'salad bowl' = ensaladera, 'fruit bowl' = frutero, etc.


to pinch
= pellizcar
coarsely = toscamente, groseramente
crumbs = migas
to spread = untar
uncovered = destapado
custard = natilla caliente inglesa
cream = nata

In recipes and instructions it is very common to us the imperative form of the verb. Examples from the above recipe include bake, peel, remove and mix. There are eleven more imperative forms. Find them in the recipe and write them below.

1  7

Imperatives look like the infinitive 
of the verb without 'to'.
The negative is made with 'do not' 
or 'don’t'
Ex. Do not mix the butter with the flour.

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2  8
3  9
4 10
5 11

When using imperatives, the position of always and never is before the verb.

Never cross the road without looking. Cross never the road without looking
Always check your car before you go on a long journey. Check always your car...

Write the following sentences with always or never.

1. Boil the water before you make tea.

2. Leave sharp knives where there are young children.

3. Put a metal object in an electrical appliance.

4. Close the car windows when it’s going to rain.

5. Be polite to your bank manager

6. Pick up broken glass with your hands.
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Fry, bake or grill? 

1. 2. 3. Haz Click para comprobar tus respuestas

Haz Click para escuchar These two words are easily confused. Listen, read and repeat.

Where’s the bathroom?
It’s next to the kitchen?
Where’s the chicken? 
It’s in the kitchen.
The kitchen’s in the chicken?
No, I’m in the kitchen.
You’re in the chicken?
No, the chicken’s in the oven.
In the kitchen.
In the kitchen….. cooking.
Uh-huh. Hey, bring me another beer, will ya?

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