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Haz Click para escuchar Listen to Danny speaking about ice hockey and choose the correct answer a), b) or c)

1. In the game of ice hockey there are

2. A game of ice hockey lasts

3. In ice hockey you Haz Click para comprobar tus respuestas

4. Ice hockey is popular in

Haz Click para escuchar Now read these questions and listen again. Write your answers in the spaces.

1. Why does Danny think that ice hockey is faster and more intense than soccer?

2. Why do some people criticize ice hockey?

3. What is a ‘power play’ and how does it help to minimise the violence?

4. List the parts of North America and the other countries in which ice hockey is a popular sport.

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side/team = equipo
forward = delantero
defence = defensa
goalie = portero
period = tiempo
to hit = golpear
random = fortuito, casual, aleatorio 
tendency = tendencia

Haz Click para escuchar Listen again and write the missing words in the transcription. 

Ice hockey is a very fast moving game. There are six on a side, which means there are forwards, defence men and a goalie. I think it’s similar to soccer, but more intense and faster, because it’s played on ice which is a fast-moving .

The game sixty minutes, and there are three periods of twenty minutes each.

Some people don’t like hockey criticize it for being too because you’re allowed to hit the other players under certain . Not random violence, but the person…the player carrying the puck he can, what’s called ‘check him’, and that’s kind of like him, but there’s only ways you can hit him. And there’s .. erm … a tendency for , but it’s only some…some teams are more violent than others and it’s just of the game. If…if a player ‘checks’ another player illegally he gets a penalty, and that means he’s the ice for two minutes, or maybe even five minutes, and the other team will have a man , and that would be called a ‘power play’ . And if
you’re in a power play, you’re have a good chance of a goal. So that minimises the violence. 

Hockey is popular in North America, in… in… Canada but also very popular in the part of the U.S.A. … erm … the boarder states. But it’s also very popular in certain other .. er … countries in . It’s very popular in Sweden, Finland, Russia, the Czech Republic…erm…Belarus Many of these countries are equal to … er.. Canada, United States in .

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Haz Click para escuchar Listen again and read the complete transcription.

A game of ice hockey lasts ...
Un partido de hokey sobre hielo dura ...
Fíjate que el adjetivo, nombre y adverbio 'last', que generalmente significa 'último' o 'pasado' cambia el significado de 'duración' cuando es un verbo.

The war lasted (for) two years.
La guerra duró dos años

Observa los siguientes derivados:

Everlasting = eterno, interminable
Lasting = duradero, permanente

Team (como las palabras 'family' y 'government') puede llevar el verbo en singular o plural dependiendo de si se considera como un grupo de personas o como una unidad. Cuando se considera como un grupo de personas se utilizará el verbo en plural y el pronombre relativo 'who' (no 'which').
Cuando se considera como una unidad impersonal se utilizará el verbo en singular y el pronombre relativo 'which'.

-My family have moved to Spain where they can enjoy the sun.
-A normal Spanish family has no more than two children. It has reduced in size over the last fifty years.
-My team, Arsenal, are going to win the league again, even though they sold Beckham to Real Madrid.
-A football team which has a lot of money has a bigger chance of being successful.

El uso del singular es mas frecuente y es obligatorio cuando team va precedido por 'a', 'each', 'every', 'this' y 'that'.
Observa que cuando lleva el verbo en plural, se utiliza un pronombre o un adjetivo posesivo en plural (p.ej. 'they' y 'their')

They are the only team who have lost all their matches.
Es el único equipo que ha perdido todos sus partidos. 

'Goalie' o también 'keeper' solamente tiene el sentido de 'portero' en un equipo deportivo (guardameta). Cuando es el portero en un edificio se llama 'caretaker' o 'porter' si se trata de un edificio privado.  

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