Bill gates is the richest private citizen in the world and the youngest person to have become a billionaire (when he was 31). On Wednesday December 4th 2002, his wealth was estimated to be $63,849487 billion.
These sub-headings ('encabezamientos') have been removed from the following text about Bill Gates. Read the text and write the sub-headings in the correct places.
Bill Gates was born the same year Albert Einstein died, in 1955. He grew up in Seattle, Washington. His father was a lawyer and his mother was a school teacher. He went to a private school and started programming computers when he was thirteen years old. He went to Harvard University, and there he developed the BASIC programming language for the first microcomputer- the MITS
Altair. He left Harvard early to develop Microsoft, which had been started by Gates and his friend Paul Allen.
Bill developed the Microsoft Disc Operating System (MS-DOS)
When Microsoft first started, Bill Gates and Paul Allen predicted a
computer on every desk and in every home, all of them using Microsoft
In 1986 Microsoft went public. The first version of Windows was introduced
a year later, and by1993 a million copies per month were being sold.
In 1975, Microsoft made a profit of $16,005. In 2000 that number had grown
to $22.96 billion, and now Microsoft employs more than 39,000 people in 60
A lot of the money has been given away to charity, especially for world health ($2.5 billion) and learning ($1.4 billion). In 1995, Gates gave away $60 million in free computer software. In 1997, the Gates Foundation gave away more than 90$ million to about 6,000 libraries so that poor people can use computers too.
In 1995, Bill Gates wrote a book called ‘The Road Ahead’. The book predicts what will happen to information technology in the future. It was number one on the New York Times best seller list for seven weeks, and it was published in more than 20 countries. In China more than 400,000 copies were sold.
Bill Gates is involved with the ICOS Corporation and has shares in the Chiroscience Group of the United Kingdom. The Corbis Corporation is developing one of the largest resources of art and photography from public and private collections around the world.
In November 1999, an American court decided that Microsoft was a monopoly, and in April 2000 it was proposed that Microsoft should be divided into two companies. One company for software (like Microsoft Office and Internet Explorer), and one company for Windows operating systems (which are used on approximately 85% of all the computers in the world). Bill Gates says that this is impossible, and in July 2001 the court agreed with Bill Gates and Microsoft.
Bill got married in Hawaii on 1st January 1994 to Melinda French. They have three children, Jennifer (1996), Rory (1999) and Phoebe (2002).
Bill’s house took seven years to build and cost $97 million. It is situated in a suburb of Seattle next to Lake Washington. It has 66,000 square feet of space and is full of high- tech gadgets.
Bill likes playing bridge, golf and reading in his spare time.
Microsoft has been the main software company for more than 25 years. Bill’s best friend Steve Ballmer became Microsoft’s CEO (Chief Executive Officer) and Bill took the positions of chairman and chief software architect.
He has invested money in a company called ‘Teledesic’ which plans to put 100’s of satellites around the earth to provide a two-way broadband telecommunication service.
The future of the company still depends on decisions which are being made by the courts, but I think we can be sure of one thing; a lot of money will be made by Microsoft for Bill Gates, the richest private citizen in the world!
to predict = predecir, prever
to make a profit = sacar beneficio
to employ = emplear
library = biblioteca
to publish = publicar
to involve = implicar
to develop = desarrollar(se), elaborar
court = juzgado, tribunal
monopoly = monopolio
to propose = proponer
suburb = barrio residencial de las afueras
high-tech gadgets = aparato de alta tecnología
main = principal
Read the text again and explain what the following words refer to. Lee el texto otra vez y explica que significan las siguientes palabras que
aparecen en el mismo siguiendo el ejemplo.
Ej.) BASIC -
1. Harvard 2. Albert Einstein 3. Paul Allen 4. 60 countries 5. ‘The Road Ahead’ 6. The Corbis Corporation 7. Hawaii 8. Phoebe 9. Steve Ballmer 10. ‘Teledesic’
Rich = 'rico, adinerado' (adjetivo). En cambio The rich
= 'los ricos' (nombre) y riches = 'riqueza' (nombre)
To get rich quick hacerse rico como sea Programming = 'programación' (de computadoras). Ten en
cuenta que cuando nos referimos a un programa informático normalmente en
inglés americano se escribe 'program'.
En inglés británico se suele escribir 'programme'.
La persona que realiza los programas que se ejecutan en un ordenador (o
computadora) es un 'programmer' o también 'computer programmer'.
A un conjunto de programas de ordenador se le llama 'software' o
abreviado 'soft' Operating
system = 'Sistema operativo'. Se denomina así al conjunto de
programas que componen el software base que permite a un ordenador (computadora)
interactuar con otros programas y con su entorno (periféricos y el propio
usuario). DOS fue el primer
Sistema Operativo que comercializó Microsoft. Windows también es un
Sistema Operativo. En este caso, su nombre (ventanas) responde al modo
gráfico como el Sistema interactúa con el usuario.