"Brad moved quickly"
– 'quickly' es un adverbio (adverb). Describe al verbo y da información sobre como
se movía Brad (en esté caso rápidamente).
"Big tall man"
- 'big' y 'tall' son adjetivos (adjectives). Describe al
nombre (the noun) y da información sobre como es el hombre (en esté caso grande y alto).
Adjetivos + ly |
Adjetivos que terminan en 'y' |
Irregular |
Slow + ly
Quick + ly quickly |
happy happily |
fast fast
good well |
Read the following examples from the text about Rick and put them in two groups,
(adjectives and abverbs).
Lee los siguientes ejemplos del texto del Rick y ponlos en dos grupos distintos,
(adjetivos y adverbios).
·Brad was nervous
·Rick looked at Simone carefully
·A short red dress
·'help me' said Simone, desperately.
·I’m very rich
·Brad looked at him angrily
·Rick could see Brad clearly
·long brown hair
·A new black pistol
·The bar was busy and noisy
·Suddenly, he went into a shop
·slowly, he lit a cigarette
·He watched him walk quickly
·The shop was very small
·The music was too loud
Find more examples of adverbs in
part four of the story. Write them here.
Busca más ejemplos de adverbios en la parte final de la
historia y escríbelos aquí.

Listen and repeat some examples of adverbs from the story about Rick.
Escucha y repite ejemplos de adverbios de la historia de Rick