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“Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life.”

Listen to four people talking about their jobs and match them to the four sentences. Listen as many times as necessary.

Listen     Answers

Listen to the speakers again and read the transcription. Use a good dictionary to check the meaning of words you are not familiar with.

Look at the following groups of words and find the word which DOES NOT fit. Follow the example.

Ex   deal with take care of handle put up with manage
1.   interesting satisfying dull challenging stimulating
2.   part-time flexitime full-time short-time waste of time
3.   repetitive unimaginative exciting routine predictable
4.   easy demanding challenging hard tough
5.   risky well-paid profitable rewarding lucrative

*'Put up with' means 'aguantar', and is not usually used to describe job responsibilities.

Read the paragraphs and change the form of the verbs in brackets if necessary. Follow the example.

I (get up) quite early every day and we are often expected (work) in all weather. It’s a physical job, but we work in a team and I’m used to (be) tired at the end of a hard week.
I love the fact that no two days are ever the same. It’s very rewarding (see) people learn and develop. I get a great sense of satisfaction when people know something which they (not know) before the lesson started, and that maybe I (had) something to do with that.
Telecommuting is great for my situation because my wife (work) part-time and I’m often (leave) with the baby and some household jobs like shopping, and (do) the washing and cleaning. I don’t mind (do) it as long as I get some peace and quiet in the evening and do 4 or 5 hours on the PC.
One thing that bothers me is the shift work, and also government cuts (be) really (influence) the way we do our job. I don’t know how it (affect) us in the future, but it’s become more and more difficult over the last few years to give people the proper care and medical attention they need.
I don’t mind (travel) in every day because I can (read) a book or (have) a good chat with a couple of neighbours who also commute from our village. My work involves a lot of organisation and telephone work. I need (be) on top of things all the time and know what my bosses need in order (do) their jobs properly. My job only (not make) the coffee you know!

Now match a person (a-e) to a paragraph (1-5)

  1.       Answers

Decide if the following sentences are true or false. Follow the example.

Example: A wage is money you earn which is usually paid every month into your bank.
Money you earn which is usually paid every week in cash - wage

1. If you are out of work, you don’t have a job.

2. If someone asks you what your hours are, they want to know what time you usually start and finish work.

3. The word for a document, diploma, certificate etc. which shows that a person is able to do a particular job is experience.

4. If you apply for something, you ask for it in a formal way.

5. When you speak to someone face to face to see if you are good for the job and if the job is good for you, it’s called an interview.

6. Money you earn which is usually paid every week in cash is a salary.

7. To commute means to work together as part of a team.

8. The ‘extra’ things in a job such as a company car, travel and hotel expenses, health insurance etc. are called bribes.

9. The positive things you expect from your job in the future are your prospects.

10. If you get promotion, you advance to a better, higher position.

11. A position or post is a place or job occupied by a person.

12. When you are told to leave your job you get the fire.

13. A reference is a report (usually written) about someone’s character.

14. Someone who pays other people to do work is an employee.

15. Retirement - This noun means that you have to leave your job because you are not very good at it.

16. The money the government gives you when you stop working (if you have paid your taxes!) is your state lottery.


What do you do? literalmente ¿Qué haces / qué es lo que hace? se interpreta como ¿cuál es tu/su profesión? (What's your job?).

- En Inglés existen varias palabras para referirse al trabajo / profesión:

Work / Job. Se diferencian en que work es incontable y job es contable:
I've found work/a new job at the university. He encontrado un trabajo en la universidad.
¡Cuidado!: Work=trabajo; works=obras, fábrica, taller.
Employment (más formal) se usa para referirse a la condición de los que tienen empleo, aunque se trate de empleos ocasionales, inestables o a tiempo parcial:
Many students are in part-time employment in summer / Muchos estudiantes tienen trabajos a tiempo parcial en verano.
Occupation se utiliza como término oficial ante la administración (en impresos, formularios, etc.):
Occupation: engineer / Profesión: ingeniero.
Profession refiere las profesiones que requieren de un título universitario:
The medical profession / la profesión médica.
Trade se emplea para referirse a los oficios que requieren una formación específica:
He's an electrician by trade. Es electricista de profesión. (Trade union = Sindicato)

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