Alimentación |
Feeding; food |
Almorzar |
To have lunch |
Almuerzo |
Lunch |
Apetito |
Appetite |
Asar |
To roast |
Asar a la parrilla |
To grill (U.K.) ; To broil (USA) |
Beber |
To drink |
Calentar |
To heat |
Cantina |
Canteen |
Carta de vinos |
Wine list |
Casa de comidas |
Cafe (U.K.); diner (USA) |
Cena |
Dinner ; Supper |
Cenar |
To have dinner |
Cocer al horno |
To bake |
Cocinar ; Cocer |
To cook |
Comedor |
Dining room |
Comer |
To eat |
Cortar |
To cut; to chop |
Desayunar |
To have breakfast |
Desayuno |
Breakfast |
Descongelar |
To defrost |
Entremés |
Hors d'oeuvre |
Estofar ; Guisar |
To stew |
Freír |
To fry |
Glotonería |
Gluttony |
Hambre |
Hunger |
Hervir |
To boil |
Hora de cenar |
Dinnertime |
Hora del almuerzo/de la comida |
Lunchtime |
Hora del té |
Teatime |
Libro de cocina |
Cookbook |
Menú |
Menu |
Merienda |
Afternoon tea |
Merienda cena |
High tea |
Nutrición |
Nutrition |
Pausa para tomar un café |
Coffee break |
Pelar |
To peel |
Plato fuerte |
Main course |
Poner la mesa |
To lay the table |
Postre |
Sweet ; Dessert |
Preparar la comida |
To make lunch |
Quitar la mesa |
To clear the table |
Remover |
To stir |
Sed |
Thirst |
Servir |
To serve |
Servir la mesa |
To wait at table |
Sopa |
Soup |
Tener hambre |
To be hungry |
Tener sed |
To be thirsty |
Tentempié |
Snack |
La Mansión del Inglés.
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