Busy Picture
Show SS a picture with a lot of activity in it. A busy street, a family’s
lounge with a lot going on, a beach scene etc. SS say, or write, what’s going on in the picture. Which pair of SS can make the most correct sentences? Variation :- Show the picture for 60 seconds then hide it. SS write down, or tell their partner, as much as they can remember. Then show the picture again to check. (This can also be done in groups) Prop A S is given a prop (a rolled up newspaper, a stick, a hat etc.) S mimes something and the class says what he/she is doing. Eg) You’re playing golf You’re making a fire You’re flying a kite Etc… The Liar T mimes a golf swing and ss ask, “What are you doing?” T says, “I’m frying an egg:” A S changes places with the T and mimes frying an egg. Next S asks, “What are you doing?” S mimes something different, and so on around the class. Tom’s Diner The song ‘Tom’s Diner’ by Susan Vega is wonderful for present continuous. Beg, steal, borrow or buy the song and use your imagination!
If you’ve found this list useful, please send us your classroom ideas. If they’re any good, we’ll put them on the web page and share them with the world! Craig Wealand La Mansión del Inglés. https://www.mansioningles.com
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