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 Vas a escuchar una entrevista con dos chicas que viven y estudian en Austria. Antes de escucharlas, lee las siguientes frases

 1. The best kind of pubs in Salzburg are Irish.
There is never live music in Salzburg.
It’s difficult to go to clubs because so many people go to them.
The nightlife is much better for students in Graz.

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What’s Salzburg like for nightlife?

There is no nightlife!

Nothing at all? What do you do in the ?

There is nightlife but there are just a good pubs. So…

Especially Irish pubs. Irish pubs are the best.

Not just Irish pubs. Also there’s ‘Tina’.

There’s Tina….yeah, there’s one other.

Is there live music?


Sometimes. At the . I think it’s live music. And….

There are a clubs in Salzburg. And, I think, every weekend something’s happening there.


But they’re outside. It’s a little bit difficult to get there by or by so you have to and it’s , and that’s why…….most of the people don’t go there…and…no, b.. but it’s…in Graz, where we , it’s much better. There are many students and I think one third of the…of the inhabitants of Graz are and that’s why there’s.. (and the rest are...) …….much nightlife..

Student nightlife?

Yeah, student nightlife, yes.

That’s good.

yeah…that’s really good.

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 Transcripción Completa

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