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 Before you listen to a conversation about televisions read the following incomplete notes.

One of the speakers lives in .

One speaker wanted to buy a large screen to watch .

The advantages of not having a TV for one of the speakers are; speaking more, listening to and going to .

For the other speaker, the advantages of not having a TV include; playing , speaking to people, going for walks and developing a .

Both speakers agree that TV programmes and advertisements can brainwash and the public.


  Now listen and complete the notes.Haz click para escuchar el listening


  Read the following paragraph from the conversation and change the verb infinitives in brackets to the correct past form (past simple or past perfect simple). The first one has been done for you.   Haz click para escuchar el listening

Heh…no, erm...when I came (come) to Germany, erm…I (have) a T..TV back in the UK..erm..and my girlfriend in Germany (not have) a TV and we (not see) any reason to buy one. Erm..I (not speak) German, so there was nothing that I (could watch) and had much from..erm…and..erm..she (never have) a TV and (not see) the point.


  Now listen to check  Haz click para escuchar el listening


  Listen to the complete conversation again and complete the following transcription. Use the ‘pause’ button on your media player to give you time to write.   Haz click para escuchar el listening

 - You don’t have a television ?

 - No, for..7, 8 years.

 - Why did that happen? How did that happen? Did you just decide one day to it out the ?

 - Heh…no, erm...when I came to Germany, erm…I had had a T..TV back in the UK..erm..and my in Germany didn’t have a TV and we didn’t see any reason to buy one. Erm..I didn’t speak German, so there was that I could’ve watched and had much from..erm…and..erm..she had never had a TV and didn’t see the point.

Ours . We had a TV …erm…for quite a few years. One day it stopped working. We agreed that we needed to buy another TV…erm…and we about the size of the screen. I wanted a big screen to watch the football games, and widescreen TV with the speakers…the Surround sound speakers. And we said okay, we’ll…we’ll wait for a few months. And six months passed with no TV. We found that we went to the cinema more often. We t..we spoke to each other…we listened to music…

 - The lost art of conversation…

….exactly! And really, our life improved a lot; erm…socially and as a . So, we..we’ve been without a TV now for probably 6 or 7 years.

 - Fantastic. without a TV, you do actually speak to one another, you maybe play board games in the evening, you go walking or, like you say, speak to people, you develop a social life rather than vegetating in front of the .

And I don’t know if you agree, but I actually think that there’s some mild manipulation and brainwashing involved, with the advertisements…

 - Oh completely, yeah.

…that they throw in, and the of sitcom programmes…comedy programmes.

With product placements in everything with for certain for political parties or…yeah.

And some of the programmes are mindless, th…the…they’re just…..

 - Almost all of them!

… sit there like a vegetable.

 - Completely mindless, yeah…

  Now check with the complete transcription   Haz click para escuchar el listening

  Listen to the conversation again and read the complete transcription. Use the help box for difficult vocabulary.  Haz click para escuchar el listening


 Transcripción Completa

La Mansión del Inglés.
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