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 You’re going to listen to Janet talking about living in New York. Before you listen, read the following questions.

Janet lives


Which of the following does Jane NOT give as being an advantage of living where she does.


How often does Janet go into Manhattan?


What does Janet like to do when she goes to the city centre?


What’s Janet’s favourite ice cream?




the suburbs – los barrios residenciales de las afueras

  Now listen to the conversation and answer the questions.  Haz click para escuchar el listening


  Listen again and complete the following transcription. Use the ‘pause’ button on your media player to give you time to write. Haz click para escuchar el listening

Erm.. Hi Janet..erm..where exactly do you live?

I live in the suburbs of New Jersey, which is about a out of New York City.

And what do you like about living in New Jersey?

I like having to see. I look outside my door. I like the parks, I like the people.

And what…is there anything you dislike about living here?

Um…I really think of …at the moment

That’s great, that’s fantastic. Do you travel into the centre of Manhattan often?

Not , no, maybe once every couple of months.

Okay. And when you go onto town, wha..what sort..what’s your favourite things to see or do?

I like to go to the museums and to the galleries and look at art.

Where’s the best ice cream in ?

In New York City? Well.. there’s a that I haven’t been to for many years uptown called Serendipity. And they have all these , and they have something called frozen hot chocolate that is so good.

Frozen hot chocolate.

…hot chocolate, yeah. So it’s kind of like ice cream.

I’ll have to try it.



uptown (American English) = zona alta de la ciudad, hacia los barrios exteriores


 Now check with the complete transcription Haz click para escuchar el listening
Listen to the conversation again and read the complete transcription Haz click para escuchar el listening


 Transcripción Completa

La Mansión del Inglés.
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