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 Before you listen to Rob telling a story about rabbits, read the following questions.

How many sisters does Rob have?


How many years are there between Rob and his older sister?


Did Rob have a good or a bad relationship with his older sister?


How many male rabbits were there?


Were the rabbits pets for the children?


What was in the stew?


          male = macho
          stew =
cocido, guisado, estofado


  Now listen to the conversation and answer the questions.  Haz click para escuchar el listening


  Listen again and complete the following transcription. Use the ‘pause’ button on your media player to give you time to write. Haz click para escuchar el listening

I have three sisters, and when I was a and only one of my sisters was at home, she’s five years older than me. We had an interesting relationship. We didn’t get on very well at all.

And at home we rabbits. We bred the rabbits for meat, and this meat would then be sold to the butchers. And of these rabbits there was only one male, and he to me, he was..he was my . And my sisters had to look after the other rabbits, and each of them had their own… if you like… there own personal rabbit that was a pet to them. But none of these rabbits were safe. None of these rabbits were…were . They were all…we only had the one male, so we had to keep him for breeding. But the females were all the rest, and so sooner or later they would be for meat.

And one day we sat down to . And mother had prepared a stew. And my sister was sat me at the table, and was really enjoying the stew, and said ‘Oh and that’s really . What is it?’ And she didn’t know what it was, and I did know what this stew was about. And I leaned really gleefully, really pleased to say ‘Ha! It’s Cally. good doesn’t it?’

She was gutted.





to breed = reproducirse (pasado – bred)
butcher = carnicero
to lean = ladear(se), inclinar(se)
gleefully = con júbilo
to be gutted = ser apenado, muy triste

 Now check with the complete transcription Haz click para escuchar el listening
Listen to the conversation again and read the complete transcription Haz click para escuchar el listening


 Transcripción Completa

La Mansión del Inglés.
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