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  Before you listen to an interview with Sandra read the following questions.

 1. Where is Sandra from?

 2. What is she studying?

 3. How long has Sandra been in Tanzania?
  a)seven weeks   
  b)four years      
  c)three months  


Now listen and answer the questions.Haz click para escuchar el listening


Now read the following questions.

 1. Has Sandra ever been to Britain?                                          
 2. Does she have to work abroad as part of her studies?              
 3. Is she going to be in Tanzania for four years?                         
 4. Does Sandra like her experience in Africa so far?                     
 5. Is it what she expected?                                                    
 6. Can she speak fluent Swahili?                                              
 7. Is Sandra planning to go on safari?                                       
 8. Is she planning to visit France?                                            

Now listen again and answer the questions.Haz click para escuchar el listening


Listen again and complete the transcription. Use the pause button on your media player to give you time to write.Haz click para escuchar el listening

- Hello Sandra, you’re here working Arusha in Tanzania. ?

- I’ve been here for seven weeks now.

- And I must ask you, why is a..a girl from Germany working in Africa, or in Tanzania.

- Oh I in Cardiff at the moment, and had to do an internship somewhere . And I didn’t wanna do it Britain because I’d been there before and worked there before so I decided I’d do something and try Africa.

- it’s connected to your studies?

Yes,’s I have to do this.

- An..And how does it connect, is it in the hotel and catering industry or…something like that?

- Well I..I study and it’s a program for four years,

- So your going to be here for four years?

No, it’s the course..the is for four years, internship is just for three months.

- And what do you think of it? How long have you been here so far?

- Well I’ve been here seven weeks and I’ve worked in the office in Arusha for weeks and then I’ve been at Colobus Lodge for , and it’s definitely an experience it’s not quite what I but it’s been good so far.

- How do you communicate with the people you work with? Do you speak any Swahili?

- Erm..I speak and I can say the greetings and everything, but’s because most people don’t speak a lot of English and some of their English is , so I think I underestimated it . I should really speak some more Swahili.

- And what’s next…wh..where do you go from here…when this finishes?

- Erm…well for another two weeks and then holiday for two weeks, on a safari and then go to Zanzibar and then fly back to Germany and then back to Britain.

- Great! Well that sounds great. Thank you very much.

Okay. Thank you.

Listen again and read the complete transcription.Haz click para escuchar el listening


 Transcripción Completa

La Mansión del Inglés.
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