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Preguntas básicas de comprensión

  Listen to Kevin speaking about his house and choose the best answer. Haz click para escuchar el listening
Primero lee las preguntas, después escucha el listening y contesta.

1. Kevin lives. 

2. He lives.

3. Kevin's house is.

4. Kevin's garden is.

5. Kevin lives in.


Ahora, unas preguntas un poco más difíciles.

Listen again and answer true or false.
Escúcha de nuevo y contesta vardadero o falso.

1. Kevin’s got grass in his garden.

2. Kevin’s house is on one level.

3. Kevin is thinking about moving to another house.

4. There is only one bridge that goes to the island.

5. The evening sun doesn’t come through the front window.

Now listen again and write the missing words in the transcription. 
¿Podrías identificar las palabras que faltan?

Hello, my name’s Kevin. I live in a called Menai Bridge in North Wales. I live here with my children. It’s a large house with 3 bedrooms but my children have left now, so I’m looking for something a smaller. I’ve got a garden in the front, which has a lawn, shrubs and hedges. From the I can see the Menai Straits and one of the that comes to our island. I like the big in the front, which the evening sun, but I don’t like the rain in winter.


 Transcripción Completa 

La Mansión del Inglés.
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