Before you read the following article on fashion shows, look at some words
from the article and choose the best Spanish translation.
sigh of relief
complete madness
tight schedules
to drop out
in command
Now read the text quickly (maximum 5 minutes) to get a general idea of the
Fashion shows may seem to be full of glamour and beautiful people. Terry
Bull looks at the work and preparation that the public doesn't see.
The top European shows are over for another season. Fashion journalists
who have visited the shows in Milan, London, Barcelona and Paris can put
their feet up with a sigh of relief, and buyers can take a well-earned
holiday. For the designers however, there is no time to open the champagne
to congratulate themselves before everything starts all over again. In
only four months they must have a new collection of clothes ready for the
March shows next year.
From now until March, designers will be working together with their
creative teams to put together a show that will hopefully capture the
imagination of the fashion journalists and impress the buyers. If the show
isn’t a success and no-one wants to buy, the designer could find him or
herself looking for another job. ‘The show makes everyone nervous’, says
top Russian model Lucy Lastik ‘From the make up and wardrobe people to the
designers and the models. We all get
jumpy and bad-tempered because
there’s so much at stake’.
Designer Ben Simone describes the nightmare of working on a show. "It’s
often complete madness before a show, and it’s at these times I wonder why
I'm doing it. It just becomes chaos. There's so much going on at once and
so many things to think about. I spend most of the time in a state of high
anxiety. But when it's finished, I feel wonderful and I just can't wait
for the next one. The shows are the reason I do what I do and I get a real
thrill and sense of satisfaction out of them.'
Ben Simone’s last collection had excellent reviews. But after taking a
short break, it was not long before he began to think about next year’s
collection. Designers work a year in advance, so at the moment they are
working on collections that will be seen in the shop windows in a year’s
time. However, getting new ideas for clothes does not come easily.
Although designers work to tight schedules, Ben explains how creativity
can't be immediately available whenever and where ever you need it, 'Suddenly
I start imagining forms and shapes in my head; colours and designs. Then I
sit down and start to sketch and the ideas simply run out of me.'
Once the designs are on paper and the designer has chosen the
fabrics he
or she wants to work with, the sample collection for the shows can be
produced. This is carried out by the design team under the designer's
supervision. Firstly, the cutter makes an initial pattern of the
from the designer's sketch. Then a model is made, which is then altered by
the designer until it is exactly how they want it. Finally, the perfected
patterns are passed over to a machinist. At the same time the garments are being made, the designer starts to work
with a stylist. Together they decide in what way the collection is going
to be presented at the shows. This involves deciding what accessories;
hats, bags, belts, etc. should be used, and the hiring of the creative
team - choreographer, producer, hair-stylist and make-up artist. The more
money a designer has available, the more experts he or she can employ to
create a successful show.
About a month before the show takes place, the stylist will begin to visit
modelling agencies. Getting models with the right look is extremely
difficult if the budget is tight. Fashion shows have a reputation for
being badly paid, and often models chosen for a show will
drop out at the
last moment if they get a better paid job, like an advert. However, a show
that gets a lot of press coverage can make a new model's name.
When things aren't certain even up to the last minute, it's no wonder
there's an atmosphere of panic backstage. While the designer may be
wondering why he or she didn't take up painting instead of fashion, it is
up to the stylist to remain calm and
in command. As head of the creative
team, the stylist must make sure that everyone mows exactly what they're
doing. There is only one rehearsal before the real thing and this is when
the stylist has to get everyone organised. Whether the show is a triumph
or a disaster depends on that.
Which of the following titles do you think summarizes the article best?
a) Modelling is a dangerous career
b) The World Of Fashion
c) Clothes are ridiculously expensive
d) Designer Stress - A Fashionable Illness
In part 1 of the reading exam you have to match 7 headings or summary
sentences (encabezamientos) to 7 paragraphs. Each heading should summarize the content of
its paragraph. Read the first paragraph again and choose which of the following
three headings best summarizes the first paragraph.
a) Fashion journalists are always on holiday.
b) The best champagne is in Europe.
c) No rest for fashion designers.
The top European shows are over for another season. Fashion journalists who have
visited the shows in Milan, London, Barcelona and Paris can put their feet up
with a sigh of relief, and buyers can take a well-earned holiday. For the
designers however, there is no time to open the champagne to congratulate
themselves before everything starts all over again. In only four months they
must have a new collection of clothes ready for the March shows next year.
Now read the article again and think of a suitable summary heading for
paragraphs 2-8. Write your heading in the space at the beginning of each
paragraph. Follow the example for paragraph 1.
Fashion shows may seem to be full of glamour and beautiful people. Terry Bull
looks at the work and preparation that the public doesn’t see.
The top European shows are over for another season. Fashion journalists who have
visited the shows in Milan, London, Barcelona and Paris can put their feet up
with a sigh of relief, and buyers can take a well-earned holiday. For the
designers however, there is no time to open the champagne to congratulate
themselves before everything starts all over again. In only four months they
must have a new collection of clothes ready for the March shows next year.
From now until March, designers will be working together with their creative
teams to put together a show that will hopefully capture the imagination of the
fashion journalists and impress the buyers. If the show isn’t a success and no-one
wants to buy, the designer could find him or herself looking for another job.
‘The show makes everyone nervous’, says top Russian model Lucy Lastik ‘From the
make up and wardrobe people to the designers and the models. We all get jumpy
and bad-tempered because there’s so much at stake’.
Designer Ben Simone describes the nightmare of working on a show. "It’s often
complete madness before a show, and it’s at these times I wonder why I'm doing
it. It just becomes chaos. There's so much going on at once and so many things
to think about. I spend most of the time in a state of high anxiety. But when
it's finished, I feel wonderful and I just can't wait for the next one. The
shows are the reason I do what I do and I get a real thrill and sense of
satisfaction out of them.'
Ben Simone’s last collection had excellent reviews. But after taking a short
break, it was not long before he began to think about next year’s collection.
Designers work a year in advance, so at the moment they are working on
collections that will be seen in the shop windows in a year’s time. However,
getting new ideas for clothes does not come easily. Although designers work to
tight schedules, Ben explains how creativity can't be immediately available
whenever and where ever you need it, 'Suddenly I start imagining forms and
shapes in my head; colours and designs. Then I sit down and start to sketch and
the ideas simply run out of me.'
Once the designs are on paper and the designer has chosen the fabrics he or she
wants to work with, the sample collection for the shows can be produced. This is
carried out by the design team under the designer's supervision. Firstly, the
cutter makes an initial pattern of the garment from the designer's sketch. Then
a model is made, which is then altered by the designer until it is exactly how
they want it. Finally, the perfected patterns are passed over to a machinist.
At the same time the garments are being made, the designer starts to work with a
stylist. Together they decide in what way the collection is going to be
presented at the shows. This involves deciding what accessories; hats, bags,
belts, etc. should be used, and the hiring of the creative team - choreographer,
producer, hair-stylist and make-up artist. The more money a designer has
available, the more experts he or she can employ to create a successful show.
About a month before the show takes place, the stylist will begin to visit
modelling agencies. Getting models with the right look is extremely difficult if
the budget is tight. Fashion shows have a reputation for being badly paid, and
often models chosen for a show will drop out at the last moment if they get a
better paid job, like an advert. However, a show that gets a lot of press
coverage can make a new model's name.
When things aren't certain even up to the last minute, it's no wonder there's an
atmosphere of panic backstage. While the designer may be wondering why he or she
didn't take up painting instead of fashion, it is up to the stylist to remain
calm and in command. As head of the creative team, the stylist must make sure
that everyone mows exactly what they're doing. There is only one rehearsal
before the real thing and this is when the stylist has to get everyone organised.
Whether the show is a triumph or a disaster depends on that.
Now read the following question.
You are going to read an article about fashion shows. Choose the most suitable
heading from the list A-I for each part (2-7) of the article. There is one extra
heading which you do not need to use. There is an example at the beginning (1).
A Having the inspiration to create
B Keeping things under control
C The process of making the clothes
D Who's going to wear the clothes?
E Disappointments to overcome
F Everything depends on the show
G Making it all look attractive
H It’s stressful but rewarding
I No rest for fashion designers
Read the article again and choose the best heading for each paragraph. Remember
there is an extra one!
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
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