Time Managemet
Are you the kind of person who feels they are always short of time or do
you take everything as it comes? / in your stride?
Time management is the process of planning and exercising conscious control of
time spent on specific activities, especially to increase effectiveness,
efficiency, and productivity.
Do we own our time or is it allocated to us? - I don’t have enough time - At any
given moment aren’t we doing exactly what we want to be doing or have decided to
Have you ever tried to improve your management of time? Why? Were you successful?
To be pressed for time/ to be short of time/ to be out of time / to be always in
a hurry / to be stressed
To have all the time in the world / to take things as they come / take
everything in your stride / to take things steady / one step at a time / to be
Tips to improve time management
1. set goals – SMART – specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, time-based
2. prioritise (which tasks are urgent and important? Which are important? Which
are neither urgent nor important?)
3. set a time limit - Parkinson's Law says that ‘work expands to fill the time
allotted for its completion’.
4. organise yourself
5. Time blocking on your calendar
6. don't waste time on non-essential tasks (important, urgent (phone call,
email), important and urgent
7. plan ahead - but be flexible
8. Eat the Frog - a daily highlight
9. Use the ‘Hell Yeah, or no’ approach
Further discussion
How well do you manage your time?
What time hacks do you know? How do you keep track of time? TOGGLE, Paper
calendar, Google docs
How can students best manage their study time?
Is the idea of having a good work-life balance a thing of the past?
Do you agree with the statement "You can´t have an extremely successful career
and a happy family life"?