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Verbs that make a sound

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Verbs that make a sound

Clatter - The dishes clattered in the kitchen while he cleaned up after dinner.

Thud - The book dropped onto the floor with a loud thud.

Moo - The cow mooed loudly as it tried to scare the men walking through the field.

Tinkle - The crystal glass tinkled lightly when I toasted with my wife.

Clang - Could you please be quiet? You're clanging those pots and pans and it's driving me crazy!

Hiss - The snake hissed at the hiker to warn him away.

Buzz - Bees buzz as they fly about collecting pollen.

Hum - I like to hum as I do the cleaning around the house.

Boo - The crowd booed the politician to show their displeasure.

Howl - Sarah howled in pain when she stubbed her toe on the door.

Whimper - The dog whimpered because it missed its owner.

Crunch - The icy snow crunched underneath my feet as I walked across the field.

Rattle - The broken part rattled inside the gadget.

Neigh - The horse neighed as it came to a stop.

Squeak - The little mouse squeaked as it looked for food throughout the house.

Splash - Tom splashed loudly when he jumped into the swimming pool.

Ping - The modem pinged as it connected to the network.

Puff - I stood puffing hard after the two-mile run.

Whoosh - The air left the tire with a great whoosh.

Screech - The crow screeched in the distance when it saw the people approaching.

Whir - The computer whirred as it processed the data.

Grind - Don't grind your teeth! You'll wear them down.

Gurgle - I could hear the small brook gurgling in the background.

Chirp - The little songbird chirped happily from the bush.


La Mansión del Inglés.
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