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Words with Similar meanings

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Words with Similar meanings

Lucky - fortunate

We can say ‘got lucky’ but not ‘got fortunate’
Lucky is less formal than fortunate.
We say people are ‘favoured by (good) fortune’
Lucky is random “by chance” - “fortunate” is from the Gods/ other forces. Eg. He’s a fortunate child - he has rich parents who can give him everything - vs he’s a lucky kid. - wins everything.

I was lucky at the casino yesterday.

I feel very fortunate that I’ve been able to travel to some wonderful places.

Cheap - inexpensive

Cheap can imply poor quality
Inexpensive usually refers only to the price

Thrifty - cheap

A thrifty person tries to buy at a good price and find bargains.
A cheap person avoids anything expensive. They are not generous.

Costly - expensive

Costly can be used in contexts that aren’t about money. ‘Being rude to your boss can be costly.’ / ‘I made a costly mistake. No one ever trusted me again.’

Excuses - reasons

An excuse is a self-justification. A reason is an explanation.
Excuses blame everyone and everything for not achieving an aim or result.

House - home

House is the building.
Home can be abstract. Not necessarily the physical structure.

Listen TO - hear

Hear - sounds that come to our ears, without us necessarily trying to hear them. 'I heard the neighbours arguing yesterday.'

Listen TO means paying attention to sounds that are going on. 'I listen to Aprender ingles con Reza y Craig every week.'

See - watch

See means to notice or become aware of someone or something. “Did you see what that idiot in the blue car just did?’

Watch means to look at someone or something for an amount of time and pay attention to what is happening. “I watched TV for an hour and then went to bed”

(“Look” means to direct your eyes in a particular direction.)

Glance, stare

Office - work - job

Office - the building or space where you work
Work is activity involving mental or physical effort done in order to achieve a purpose or result.
(Job - a regular activity that you do, and receive money for.)

Work is non-countable - refers to the activity in general. “I have loads of work at the moment” “in/out of work” “I am at work” (the place)
Job is a particular type of work done by a person. What’s your job? I’m a teacher

Thin - skinny - slim

Slim (neutral) thin (you have a normal you’re comparing it to) Skinny is being unattractively thin

Fat - / overweight

Overweight (less offensive), fat (negative), well-built (polite), portly

Jealous - envious

Jealousy is an emotion related to your things (usually a person in a relationship). ‘I get really jealous when he talks to my girlfriend.’ It’s passionate (spontaneous gut feeling) - my boyfriend is a very jealous person (ie I can’t talk to other guys cos he feels threatened)
Envy is an emotion related to someone else's things. ‘I’m envious of my neighbour’s car.’ This is more calculating (head feeling) - she’s such an envious person - you can’t tell her about anything new that you have otherwise she wants it.

Problem - challenge

A problem generally has some kind of negative consequences if you don’t resolve it.
A challenge generally has some kind of positive consequences if you do resolve it.
An optimist looks at problems and calls them challenges. In business and politics ALWAYS use challenge ! It’s politically correct.


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