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Verbs followed by infinitives

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Verbs followed by infinitives

1. Agree – Would you agree to send your child to school?
2. Arrange – Mónica and I arranged to do this Facebook Live at 8pm.
3. Ask – I asked Mónica to meet online.
4. Need – I need to lose weight. (When "need" is used with a gerund, it has a passive meaning. The car needs washing. - means "the car needs to be washed.") (Can also be modal auxiliary verb, Need we spend so much money? You needn’t help me. I can do it by myself.
5. Manage – Did you manage to have a rest and recharge your batteries this summer?
6. Forget She forgot seeing Homeland series 7. (I forgot that I’d seen it). I forgot to send an email (I forgot that I needed to do something)
7. Try + inf. Make an effort. I tried to lift the box. Try + gerund. Experiment. Try pushing the car.
8. Prepare – I’m preparing to take a test.
9. Continue. She continued to wear/wearing her husband’s wedding ring after his death.
10. Refuse – Can you think of something you’ve refused to do recently? Do you know anyone who has refused to send their kids back to school?
11. Decide – Have you decided to do anything special for Christmas?
12. Remember – I remember arriving in Valencia for the first time. I remembered to fill up the car with petrol (I remembered I needed to do it) (Please remember to buy milk)
13. Start - When "start" is used in non-continuous tenses, you can either use a gerund or an infinitive. – I’m starting to feel old. Why don’t you start learning another language?
14. Hate/like/love I hate to get up early/getting up early
15. Want – Is there anything new you want to buy?


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