Clothes and Identity:
Basic vocabulary.
What we like on the bottom: Trousers (a pair of)/pants (AmEng)
jeans/tracksuit bottoms/ sweatpants/skirt/shorts
What kind of tops we like: /shirt/tie/blouse/T-shirt/long-sleeved/ short-sleeved
/sleeveless/spaghetti top
OR: /dress/suit/ all-in-one/jumpsuit
What we wear to keep us warm: jacket/coat/cardigans/jumper/pullover/sweater/sweatshirt/
What we like on our feet: /socks/shoes/high-heels vs flats/pumps/sandals/flip-flops/trainers/slippers/boots
What we wear underneath: pants (UK), shorts (US)/knickers/underwear (undies)/bras/vests
Accessories: belts, braces, scarf(ves), gloves, hats, caps,
beanies, bags/handbags/shoulder bags/shoppers/ jewellery
Smart / shabby / formal / informal/ new vs vintage / ironed vs unironed (creased)
/ tailored vs shapeless/ tight vs baggy or loose/ coordinated / colourful vs
drab/ stylish / extravagant /tastefully dressed vs tasteless/ to have a sense of
What kinds of judgements do we make about people when we
see how they dress? (income, power, politics, sex, interests, job, intelligence,
music tastes, attraction)
Is this fair?
What do you think about uniforms – are they useful? How?
What about traditional dress?
How important are clothes to you?
Why do children and adults like fancy-dress parties? Do you? Why?
What would you wear to a fancy dress party? - batman
Do you ever buy clothes online?
Do you prefer shopping for clothes by yourself or with someone else?
What was the last item of clothing you bought?
Are you a follower of fashion? Do you buy designer clothes?
What items of clothing do people not wear anymore? (seamed stockings, pocket
watches, bow ties)
How many pairs of shoes do you have? (Is it too many?)
What’s your favourite piece of jewellery?
In what ways do your clothes reflect your personality?