Boredom; are you boring or bored?.
Bored vs boring.
Synonyms / expressions for bored: Bored to death/tears/bits, fed-up, world-weary,
cheesed off, sick of my life, cheesed off, indifferent, uninterested
Synonyms / expressions for boring: dull, monotonous, tedious, puts me to sleep,
like watching paint dry, listening to grass grow
Things we might say to express our feelings of boredom:,
life sucks, shoot me now!, it’s like watching paint dry, listening to grass grow,
I’m bored out of my mind
When was the last time you were bored?
Name three things that bore you to death.
What would a boring day for you look like?
How do you overcome boredom?
What’s the opposite of boredom?
What makes an English lesson boring?
Do you think technology helps or hurts boredom?
What exactly is boredom? When do humans experience it? Here is an idea from the
“Boredom may occur when our energy isn’t channelled into an outlet that provides
meaning or fulfillment. But this encompasses a few key components. One is
mental arousal, having energy you want to devote to something engaging. A second
is difficulty concentrating on a single task. And a third is lack of control
over your surroundings, such as in a waiting room or lecture, in which you can’t
redirect your attention to a different activity.”
Do you experience boredom in all three areas? Which situation causes the most
boredom for you?
Can boredom be good for us? Do you enjoy boredom?