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Modern education - is it fit for purpose?

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Modern education - is it fit for purpose?.

Current Education

What’s education like where you live ?
Do most people go to university ? Do they all get jobs ? / Are their degrees useful for their careers?
University degree / career / employment / unemployment / curriculum / skills / state vs public school
Is education in your country very political?
Are parents / carers involved in the education system? To what degree?

Curriculums in school and universities

Have they got the right balance between the subjects in schools?

Is there too much focus on STEM subjects and not enough on the arts?

Vocab: maths, language, foreign languages, physics, biology, chemistry, geography, history, IT, Economics, Religion, sports

Should religion be taught in schools?

What subjects are not taught in schools that should be?

Are their any subjects that should not be taught?

What about other parts of education that are not mainstream subjects?
Personal Finance / Emotional Intelligence / Citizenship / Community services / Taxation /politics / nutrition

What about the degrees on offer in universities ? Are they practical and useful for the job market ?

What is the point of education?

What do you think ? Write in the chat

Some possible answers:

Skilled workforce / educate model citizens / create a sense of national identity / encourage cooperation or socialization / allows parents to stay in the workforce / create equal opportunities / empowering individuals to take charge of their own destinies

Does this change our answers to what should be in the curriculum?

Is education limited to school and university?

Further discussion:
With the rise of artificial intelligence, a lot of knowledge is no longer necessary to know in memory. Are our current educational models fit for the future ?
Class size / format / remote learning / cost
Is homeschooling an option where you live? What are the pros and cons of homeschooling?


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