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It’s all in the News - or is it?

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It’s all in the News - or is it?


Most people talk about the news whether it´s international, national or local events or even just things you and your friends have been up to. Today we’re going to talk about the news and look at some vocabulary that often comes up in this context.

Some general collocations

Latest / Breaking / Old / Good and bad / fantastic / marvellous / heartening / interesting / welcome /shocking / distressing / terrible / depressing / unwelcome


• news is uncountable. If you want to make it countable you say a bit/a piece of news
• We often use the present perfect with I/you: Have you heard…?
• Use past simple if you’re using time references eg. Yesterday, Last week
• News reporting (journalists) often uses impersonal passive structures eg. “They are said to be..It has been announced…Over 500 people are reported to have been injured in…”

Where do you get your news from?

Media: print / online / radio /social media / TV / other sources /Primary and secondary sources / first-hand accounts / eye-witness accounts/ live reporting / breaking news

Primary and secondary sources: Primary sources are firsthand accounts or original documents, while secondary sources interpret or analyze primary sources. Both are used in journalism to establish credibility.

Can we believe the news? Is it reliable?

Vocab: credible/unverified sources/misinformation vs disinformation/fake news/hoax/propaganda/verifying source/ fact-checking/critical eye

What is the difference between misinformation and disinformation?
Misinformation is false or inaccurate information spread without harmful intent.
Disinformation is deliberately false information intended to deceive or mislead.

• How can we distinguish reliable news from fake news or hoaxes?

• Do you always believe news from your family and friends ? Why?/Why not?

• Critical thinking - What is the role of critical thinking in evaluating news sources?

Critical thinking involves questioning, analyzing, and evaluating information to determine its credibility and reliability.

• What really makes us believe the news?

What kind of news do we really want?

Vocab: news blackout/clickbait/news distortion/twisted accounts/ confirmation bias / echo chamber/moderation of news/editorial filtering/bias/news fatigue

(Echo chamber: An echo chamber is a situation where individuals are exposed to information and opinions that reinforce their existing beliefs, isolating them from diverse viewpoints.)

Confirmation bias is a bias that influences how an individual processes information, whereas an echo chamber is an environment or social dynamic in which people are repeatedly exposed to information that aligns with their existing beliefs, which can exacerbate confirmation bias.
Confirmation bias is a personal cognitive tendency, while an echo chamber is a social or informational context.


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