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Manners 2

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Manners - Part 2

A while ago we started talking about manners, especially table manners,,queueing manners, office manners. Today we´re going to look at some other areas where you might need manners.

Some vocab (Can you remember from last time?):

I can’t stand it when… I hate it when… It really gets on my nerves when….
You should, you ought to, you’re supposed to, you must
Good/bad manners
Well-mannered / well-behaved
To be rude

Situations where manners are important:

We can maybe discuss the different situations one by one and invite listeners to tell us what they can’t stand

• Manners when speaking to the elderly vs the young ? (we could also mention direct vs indirect forms - use of phrasal verbs vs latin based verbs - changing register as well as behaviour is part of manners in this case)
• Manners when speaking to strangers, especially if dressed differently - how does dress influence the way you speak?
Choice of vocabulary ? Greeting “Good morning” vs “Yo” “Hey” “Hi” English also shows social awareness of hierarchy even though we don’t have a grammatical pronoun Usted.
• Showing public affection – Dating
• Online etiquette - Does it vary from platform to platform?
• Personal space
• Staring
• Driving
• Public transport


Does it cause problems for you in English that we only have one “YOU” form? Does it make you think that English is more accessible/less formal than your own language?

How have manners, and people’s expectations of them, changed over the years?

What examples of bad manners in these situations really annoys you?

Is 'ladies first' a polite idea, or is it sexist? Should men do things for women like pull out their chairs at a dinner table or wait for them to go through a door first? What about paying the bill on a first date?


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