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Watching the box - TV shows,
series and streaming services

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Watching the box - TV shows, series and streaming services

A lot of us spend quite a large amount of our lives watching televised entertainment. In the past it was watching a TV show or a series one episode per week. Nowadays, there are streaming services where you can binge-watch a series in one sitting and you don’t even have to be at home with your TV – you can watch them on your lap-top or your phone.

Where and what do you like to watch?
How much time do you spend on this during the week?


What we watch:
Series, episode, season, drama series, period drama, whodunnit - true crime, detective series, sitcom, reality series, adventure, fantasy, sci-fi, documentary,
Where we watch:
Couch potato, in bed, on the sofa with your feet up, on the commute, during meal-times, on a computer (a sit-back or a sit-forward experience)
Other vocab expressions:
To get into a show / to be totally hooked / it just didn’t do it for me / right up my street / to live up to the hype / cliffhanger / to binge-watch


What’s your favourite series and why?
Which series could you just not get into and why?
When we say ‘we don’t have time for things’ (for example, studying English!) could we find that time by watching less TV?
How to watch: in English with English subtitles (or no) subtitles. Or, watch dubbed in your language first, and then in original version with no subtitles.

10 TV Series to improve your English:

Accede a una Guía sobre "Cómo aprender y mejorar tu inglés con Películas, Vídeos y Series".


La Mansión del Inglés.
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