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TABBY. An old maid; either from Tabitha, a formal antiquated name; or
else from a tabby cat, old maids being often compared to cats. To drive
Tab; to go out on a party of pleasure with a wife and family.
TACE. Silence, hold your tongue. TACE is Latin for a candle; a jocular
admonition to be silent on any subject.
TACKLE. A mistress; also good clothes. The cull has tipt his tackle rum
gigging; the fellow has given his mistress good clothes. A man’s tackle:
the genitals.
TAFFY, i.e. Davy. A general name for a Welchman, St. David being the
tutelar saint of Wales. Taffy’s day; the first of March, St. David’s day.
TAG-RAG AND BOBTAIL. An expression meaning an assemblage of low people,
the mobility of all sorts. To tag after one like a tantony pig: to follow
one wherever one goes, just as St. Anthony is followed by his pig.
TAIL. A prostitute. Also, a sword.
TAKEN IN. Imposed on, cheated.
TALE TELLERS. Persons said to have been formerly hired to tell wonderful
stories of giants and fairies, to lull their hearers to sleep. Talesman;
the author of a story or report: I’ll tell you my tale, and my talesman.
Tale bearers; mischief makers, incendiaries in families.
TALL BOY. A bottle, or two-quart pot.
TALLY MEN. Brokers that let out clothes to the women of the town. See
TALLYWAGS, or TARRYWAGS. A man’s testicles.
TAME. To run tame about a house; to live familiarly in a family with which
one is upon a visit. Tame army; the city trained bands.
TANDEM. A two-wheeled chaise, buggy, or noddy, drawn by two horses, one
before the other: that is, AT LENGTH.
TANGIER. A room in Newgate, where debtors were confined, hence called
TANNER. A sixpence. The kiddey tipped the rattling cove a tanner for luck;
the lad gave the coachman sixpence for drink.
TANTADLIN TART. A sirreverence, human excrement.
TANTRUMS. Pet, or passion: madam was in her tantrums.
TANTWIVY. Away they went tantwivy; away they went full speed. Tantwivy was
the sound of the hunting horn in full cry, or that of a post horn.
TAP. A gentle blow. A tap on the shoulder;-an-arrest. To tap a girl; to be
the first seducer: in allusion to a beer barrel. To tap a guinea; to get
it changed.
TAPPERS. Shoulder tappers: bailiffs.
TAPE. Red tape; brandy. Blue or white tape; gin.
TAPLASH. Thick and bad beer.
TAR. Don’t lose a sheep for a halfpennyworth of tar: tar is used to mark
sheep. A jack tar; a sailor.
TARADIDDLE. A fib, or falsity.
TARPAWLIN. A coarse cloth tarred over: also, figuratively, a sailor.
TARRING AND FEATHERING. A punishment lately infliced by the good people of
Boston on any person convicted, or suspected, of loyalty: such delinquents
being “stripped naked”, were daubed all over wilh tar, and afterwards put
into a hogshead of feathers.
TART. Sour, sharp, quick, pert.
TARTAR. To catch a Tartar; to attack one of superior strength or
abilities. This saying originated from a story of an Irish-soldier in the
Imperial service, who, in a battle against the Turks, called out to his
comrade that he had caught a Tartar. ‘Bring him along then,’ said he. ‘He
won’t come,’ answered Paddy. ‘Then come along yourself,’ replied his
comrade. ‘Arrah,’ cried he, ‘but he won’t let me.’—A Tartar is also an
adept at any feat, or game: he is quite a Tartar at cricket, or billiards.
TAT. Tit for tat; an equivalent.
TATS. False dice.
TATLER. A watch. To flash a tatler: to wear a watch.
TAT MONGER. One that uses false dice.
TATTERDEMALION. A ragged fellow, whose clothes hang all in tatters.
TATTOO. A beat of the drum, of signal for soldiers to go to their
quarters, and a direction to the sutlers to close the tap, anddtew nomore
liquor for them; it is generally beat at nine in summer and eight in
winter. The devil’s tattoo; beating with one’s foot against the ground, as
done by persons in low spirits.
TAW. A schoolboy’s game, played with small round balls made of stone dust,
catted marbles. I’ll be one upon your taw presently; a species of threat.
TAWDRY. Garish, gawdy, with lace or staring and discordant colours: a term
said to be derived from the shrine and altar of St. Audrey (an Isle of Ely
saintess), which for finery exceeded all others thereabouts, so as to
become proverbial; whence any fine dressed man or woman said to be all St
Audrey, and by contraction, all tawdry.
TAWED. Beaten
TAYLE DRAWERS. Thieves who snatch gentlemens swords from their sides. He
drew the cull’s tayle rumly; he snatched away the gentleman’s sword
TAYLOR. Nine taylors make a man; an ancient and common saying, originating
from the effeminacy of their employment; or, as some have it, from nine
taylors having been robbed by one man; according to others, from the
speech of a woollendraper, meaning that the custom of nine, taylors would
make or enrich one man—A London taylor, rated to furnish half a man to the
Trained Bands, asking how that could possibly be done? was answered, By
sending four, journeymen and and apprentice.—Puta taylor, a weaver, and a
miller into a sack, shake them well, And the first that, puts out his head
is certainly a thief.—A taylor is frequently styled pricklouse, assaults
on those vermin with their needles.
TAYLORS GOOSE. An iron with which, when heated, press down the seams of
TEA VOIDER. A chamber pot.
TEA GUELAND. Ireland. Teaguelanders; Irishmen.
TEARS OF THE TANKARD. The drippings of liquor on a man’s waistcoat.
TEDDY MY GODSON. An address to a supposed simple
fellow, or nysey,
TEIZE. To-nap the teize; to receive a whipping. .
TEMPLE PICKLING. Pumping a bailiff; a punishment formerly administered to
any of that fraternity caught exercising their functions within the limits
of Temple.
TEN IN THE HUNDRED. An usurer; more than five in the hundred being deemed
usurious interest.
TENANT AT WILL, One whose wife usually fetches him from the alehouse.
TENANT FOR LIFE. A married man; i.e. possessed of a woman for life.
TENDER PARNELL. A tender creature, fearful of the least puff of wind or
drop of rain. As tender as Parnell, who broke her finger in a posset
TERMAGANT. An outrageous scold from Termagantes, a cruel Pagan, formerly
represented in diners shows and entertainments, where being dressed a la
Turque, in long clothes, he was mistaken for a furious woman.
TERRA FIRMA. An estate in land.
TESTER. A sixpence: from TESTON, a coin with a head on it.
TETBURY PORTION. A **** and a clap.
THAMES. He will not find out a way to set the Thames on fire; he will not
make any wonderful discoveries, he is no conjuror.
THATCH-GALLOWS. A rogue, or man of bad character.
THICK. Intimate. They are as thick as two inkle-weavers.
THIEF. You are a thief and a murderer, you have killed a baboon and stole
his face; vulgar abuse.
THIEF IN A CANDLE. Part of the wick or snuff, which falling on the tallow,
burns and melts it, and causing it to gutter, thus steals it away.
THIEF TAKERS. Fellows who associate with all kinds of villains, in order
to betray them, when they have committed any of those crimes which entitle
the persons taking them to a handsome reward, called blood money. It is
the business of these thief takers to furnish subjects for a handsome
execution, at the end of every sessions.
THIMBLE. A watch. The swell flashes a rum thimble; the gentleman sports a
fine watch.
THINGSTABLE. Mr. Thingstable; Mr. Constable: a ludicrous affectation of
delicacy in avoiding the pronunciation of the first syllable in the title
of that officer, which in sound has some similarity to an indecent
THINGUMBOB. Mr. Thingumbob; a vulgar address or nomination to any person
whose name is unknown, the same as Mr. What-d’ye-cal’em. Thingumbobs;
THIRDING. A custom practised at the universities, where two thirds of the
original price is allowed by the upholsterers to the students for
household goods returned to them within the year.
THIRTEENER. A shilling in Ireland, which there passes for thirteen pence.
THOMOND. Like Lord Thomond’s cocks, all on one side. Lord Thomond’s
cock-feeder, an Irishman, being entrusted with some cocks which were
matched for a considerable sum, the night before the battle shut them all
together in one room, concluding that as they were all on the same side,
they would not disagree: the consequence was, they were most of them
either killed or lamed before the morning.
THOMAS. Man Thomas; a man’s penis.
THORNS. To be or sit upon thorns; to be uneasy, impatient, anxious for an
THORNBACK. An old maid.
THOROUGH CHURCHMAN. A person who goes in at one door of a church, and out
at the other, without stopping.
THOROUGH-GOOD-NATURED WENCH. One who being asked to sit down, will lie
THOROUGH GO NIMBLE. A looseness, a violent purging.
THOROUGH COUGH. Coughing and breaking wind backwards at the same time.
THOROUGH STITCH. To go thorough stitch; to stick at nothing; over shoes,
over boots.
THOUGHT. What did thought do? lay’in bed and beshat himself, and thought
he was up; reproof to any one who excuses himself for any breach of
positive orders, by pleading that he thought to the contrary.
THREE TO ONE. He is playing three to one, though sure to lose; said of one
engaged in the amorous congress.
THREE-PENNY UPRIGHT. A retailer of love, who, for the sum mentioned,
dispenses her favours standing against a wall.
THREE-LEGGED MARE, or STOOL. The gallows, formerly consisting of three
posts, over which were laid three transverse beams. This clumsy machine
has lately given place to an elegant contrivance, called the NEW DROP, by
which the use of that vulgar vehicle a cart, or mechanical instrument a
ladder, is also avoided; the patients being left suspended by the dropping
down of that part of the floor on which they stand. This invention was
first made use of for a peer. See DROP.
THREE THREADS. Half common ale, mixed with stale and double beer.
THREPS. Threepence.
TO THROTTLE. To strangle.
THROTTLE. The throat, or gullet.
TO THRUM. To play on any instrument sttfnged with wire. A thrummer of
wire; a player on the spinet, harpsichord, of guitar.
THRUMS. Threepence.
THUMB. By rule of thumb: to do any thing by dint of practice. To kiss
one’s thumb instead of the book; a vulgar expedient to avoid perjury in
taking a false oath.
THCMMIKINS. An instrument formerly used in Scotland, like a vice, to pinch
the thumbs of persons accused of different crimes, in order to extort
THUMP. A blow. This is better than a thump on the back with a stone; said
on giving any one a drink of good liquor on a cold morning. Thatch,
thistle, thunder, and thump; words to the Irish, like the Shibboleth of
the Hebrews.
THUMPING. Great! a thumping boy.
THWACK. A great blow with a stick across the shoulders.
TIB. A young lass
TIBBY. A cat.
TIB OF THE BUTTERY. A goose. . Saint Tibb’s evening; the evening of the
last day, or day of judgment: he will pay you on St. Tibb’s eve. IRISH.
TICK. To run o’tick; take up goods upon trust, to run in debt. Tick; a
TICKLE TEXT. A parson.
TICKLE PITCKEB. A thirsty fellow, a sot.
TICKLE TAIL. A rod, or schoolmaster. A man’s penis.
TICKRUM. A licence.
TIDY. Neat.
TIFFING. Eating or drinking out of meal time, disputing or falling out;
also lying with a wench, A tiff of punch, a small bowl of punch.
TILBUKY. Sixpence; so called from its formerly being the fare for Crossing
over from Gravesend to Tilbury Fort.
TILT. To tilt; to fight with a sword. To run full tilt against one;
allusion to the ancient tilling with the lance.
TILTER. A sword.
TIM WHISKY. A light one—horse chaise without a head.
TIMBER TOE. A man with a wooden leg.
TINY. Little.
TO TIP. To give or lend. Tip me your daddle; give me your hand. Tip me a
hog; give me a shilling. To tip the lion; to flatten a man’s nose with the
thumb, and, at the same time to extend his mouth, with the fingers,
thereby giving him a sort of lion-like countenauce. To tip the velvet;
tonguing woman. To tip all nine; to knock down all the nine pins at once,
at the game of bows or skittles: tipping, at these gaines, is slightly
touching the tops of the pins with the bowl. Tip; a draught; don’t spoil
his tip.
TIP-TOP. The best: perhaps from fruit, that growing at the top of the tree
being generally the best, as partaking most of the sun. A tip-top workman;
the best, or most excellent Workman.
TIPPERARY FORTUNE. Two town lands, stream’s town, and ballinocack; said of
Irish women without fortune.
TIPPLE. Liquor.
TIPPLERS. Sots who are continually sipping.
TIPSEY. Almost drunk.
TIRING. Dressing: perhaps abbreviation of ATTIRING. Tiring women, or tire
women: women that used to cut ladies hair, and dress them.
TIT. A horse; a pretty little tit; a smart little girl. a *** or tid bit;
a delicate morsel. Tommy tit; a smart lively little fellow.
TIT FOR TAT. An equivalent.
TO TITTER. To suppress a laugh.
TITTER TATTER. One reeling, and ready to fall at the least touch; also the
childish amusement of riding upon the two ends of a plank, poised upon the
prop underneath its centre, called also see-saw. Perhaps tatter is a
rustic pronunciation of totter.
TITTLE-TATTLE. Idle discourse, scandal, women’s talk, or small talk.
TITTUP. A gentle hand gallop, or er.
TIZZY. Sixpence.
TOAD EATER. A poor female relation, and humble companion, or reduced
gentlewoman, in a great family, the standing butt, on whom all kinds of
practical jokes are played off, and all ill humours vented. This
appellation is derived from a mountebank’s servant, on whom all
experiments used to be made in public by the doctor, his master; among
which was the eating of toads, formerly supposed poisonous. Swallowing
toads is here figuratively meant for swallowing or putting up with
insults, as disagreeable to a person of feeling as toads to the stomach.
TOAD. Toad in a hole; meat baked or boiled in pye-crust. He or she sits
like a toad on a chopping-block; a saying of any who sits ill on
horseback. As much need of it as a toad of a side-pocket; said of a person
who desires any thing for which he has no real occasion. As full of money
as a toad is of feathers.
TOAST. A health; also a beautiful woman whose health is often drank by
men. The origin of this term (as it is said) was this: a beautiful lady
bathing in a cold bath, one of her admirers out of gallantry drank some of
the water: whereupon another of her lovers observed, he never drank in the
morning, but he would kiss the toast, and immediately saluted the lady.
TOBY LAY. The highway. High toby man; a highway-man.
Low toby man; a footpad.
TODDY. Originally the juice of the cocoa tree, and afterwards rum, water,
sugar, and nutmeg.
TODDLE. To walk away. The cove was touting, but stagging the traps he
toddled; be was looking out, and feeing the officers he walked away.
TODGE. Beat all to a todge: said of anything beat to mash.
TOGE. A coat. .
TOGEMANS. The same. .
TOGS. Clothes. The swell is rum-togged. The gentleman is handsomely
TOKEN. The plague: also the venereal disease. She tipped him the token;
she gave him a clap or pox.
TOL, or TOLEDO. A sword: from Spanish swords made at Toledo, which place
was famous for sword blades of an extraordinary temper.
TOLLIBAN RIG. A species of cheat carried on by a woman, assuming the
character of a dumb and deaf conjuror.
TOM T—DMAN. A night man, one who empties necessary houses.
TOMBOY. A romping girl, who prefers the amusement used by boys to those of
her own sex.
TOM OF BEDLAM. The same as Abram man.
TOM CONY. A simple fellow.
TOM LONG. A tiresome story teller. It is coming by Tom Long, the carrier;
said of any thing that has been long expected.
TOM THUMB. A dwarf, a little hop-o’my-thumb.
TOMMY. Soft Tommy, or white Tommy; bread is so called by sailors, to
distinguish it from biscuit. Brown Tommy: ammunition bread for soldiers;
or brown bread given to convicts at the hulks.
TO-MORROW COME NEVER. When two Sundays come together; never.
TONGUE. Tongue enough for two sets of teeth: said of a talkative person.
As old as my tongue, and a little older than my teeth; a dovetail in
answer to the question, How old are you? Tongue pad; a scold, or
nimble-tongued person.
TONY. A silly fellow, or ninny. A mere tony: a simpleton.
TOOLS. The private parts of a man.
TOOL. The instrument of any person or faction, a cat’s paw. See CATS PAW.
TOOTH Music. Chewing.
TOOTH-PICK. A large stick. An ironical expression.
TOPPER. A violent blow on the head.
TOP ROPES. To sway away on all top ropes; to live riotously or
TO TOP. To cheat, or trick: also to insult: he thought to have topped upon
me. Top; the signal among taylors for snuffing the candles: he who last
pronounces that word word, is obliged to get up and perform the
operation.— to be topped; to be hanged. The cove was topped for smashing
queerscreens; he was hanged for uttering forged bank notes.
TOP DIVER. A lover of women. An old top diver; one who has loved old hat
in his time.
TOP LIGHTS. The eyes. Blast your top lights. See CURSE.
Top SAIL. He paid his debts at Portsmouth with the topsail; i.e. he went
to. sea and left them unpaid. SCT soldiers are said to pay off their
scores with the drum; that is, by marching away.
TOPER. One that loves his bottle, a soaker. SEE TO SOAK.
TOPPING FELLOW. One at the top or head of his profession.
TOPPING CHEAT. The gallows. .
TOPPING COVE. The hangman. .
TOPPING MAN. A rich man.
TOFSY-TURVY. The top side the other way; i.e. the wrong side upwards; some
explain it, the top side turf ways, turf being always laid the wrong side
TORCHECUL. Bumfodder.
TORY. An advocate for absolute monarchy and church power; also an Irish
vagabond, robber, Or rapparee.
TOSS POT. A drunkard.
TOSS OFF. Manual pollution.
TOTTY-HEADED. Giddy, hare-brained.
TOUCH. To touch; to get money from any one; also to arrest. Touched in the
wind; broken winded. Touched in the head; insane, crazy. To touch up a
woman; to have carnal knowledge of her. Touch bone and whistle; any one
having broken wind backwards, according to the vulgar law, may be pinched
by any of the company till he has touched bone (i.e. his teeth) and
TOVT. A look-out house, or eminence.
TOUTING. (From TUERI, to look about) Publicans fore-stalling guests, or
meeting them on the road, and begging their custom; also thieves or
smugglers looking out to see that the coast is clear. Touting ken; the bar
of a public house.
TOW ROW. A grenadier. The tow row club; a club or society of the grenadier
officers of the line.
TOWEL. An oaken towel, a cudgel. To rub one down with an oaken towel; to
beat or cudgel him.
TOWER. Clipped money: they have been round the tower with it. .
TO TOWER. To overlook, to rise aloft as in a high tower.
TOWER HILL PLAY. A slap on the face, and a kick on the breech.
TOWN. A woman of the town; a prostitute. To be on the town: to live by
TOWN BULL. A common whoremaster. To roar like a town bull; to cry or
bellow aloud.
TO TRACK. To go. Track up the dancers; go up stairs.
TRADING JUSTICES. Broken mechanics, discharged footmen, and other low
fellows, smuggled into the commission of the peace, who subsist by
fomenting disputes, granting warrants, and otherwise retailing justice; to
the honour of the present times, these nuisances are by no means, so
common as formerly.
TRADESMEN. Thieves. Clever tradesmen; good thieves.
TRANSLATORS. Sellers of old mended shoes and boots, between coblers and
TO TRANSMOGRAPHY, or TRANSMIGRIFY. To patch up vamp, or alter.
T0 TRANSNEAR. To come up with any body.
TRAP. To understand trap; to know one’s own interest.
TRAP STICKS. Thin legs, gambs: from the sticks with which boys play at
TRAPS. Constables and thief-takers. .
TO TRAPAN. To inveigle, or ensnare.
TRAPES. A slatternly woman, a careless sluttish woman.
TRAVELLER. To tip the traveller; to tell wonderful stories, to romance.
TRAVELLING PIQUET. A mode of amusing themselves, practised by two persons
riding in a carriage, each reckoning towards his game the persons or
animals that pass by on the side next them, according to the following
TRAY TRIP. An ancient game like Scotch hop, played on a pavement marked
out with chalk into different compartments.
TRENCHER CAP. The square cap worn by the collegians. at the universities
of Oxford and Cambridge.
TRENCHER MAN. A stout trencher man; one who has a good appetite, or, as
the term is, plays a good knife and fork.
TRESWINS. Threepence.
TRIB. A prison: perhaps from tribulation.
TRICKUM LEGIS. A quirk or quibble in the law.
TRIG. The point at which schoolboys stand to shoot their marbles at taw;
also the spot whence bowlers deliver the bowl.
TO TRIG IT. To play truant. To lay a man trigging; to knock him down.
TRIGRYMATE. An idle female companion.
TRIM. State, dress. In a sad trim; dirty.—Also spruce or fine: a trim
TRIM TRAM. Like master, like man.
TRIMMING. Cheating, changing side, or beating. I’ll trim his jacket; I’ll
thresh him. To be trimmed; to be shaved; I’ll just step and get trimmed.
TRINE. To hang; also Tyburn.
TRINGUM TRANGUM. A whim, or maggot.
TRINING. Hanging.
TRINKETS. Toys, bawbles, or nicknacks.
TRIP. A short voyage or journey, a false step or stumble, an error in the
tongue, a bastard. She has made a trip; she has had a bastard.
TRIPE. The belly, or guts. Mr. Double Tripe; a fat man. Tripes and
trullibubs; the entrails: also a jeering appellation for a fat man.
TO TROLL. To loiter or saunter about.
TROLLY LOLLY. Coarse lace once much in fashion.
TROLLOP. A lusty coarse sluttish woman.
TROOPER. You will die the death of a trooper’s horse, that is, with your
shoes-on; a jocular method of telling any one he will be hanged.
TROT. An old trot; a decrepit old woman. A dog trot; a gentle pace.
TROTTERS. Feet. To shake one’s trotters at Bilby’s ball, where the sheriff
pays the fiddlers; perhaps the Bilboes ball, i.e. the ball of fetters:
fetters and stocks were anciently called the bilboes.
To TROUNCE. To punish by course of law.
TRUCK. To exchange, swop, or barter; also a wheel such as ship’s guns are
placed upon.
TRULL. A soldier or a tinker’s trull; a soldier or tinker’s female
companion.—Guteli, or trulli, are spirits like women, which shew great
kindness to men, and hereof it is that we call light women trulls. RANDLE
TRUMPERY. An old whore, or goods of no value; rubbish.
TRUMPET. To sound one’s own trumpet; to praise one’s self.
TRUMPETER. The king of Spain’s trumpeter; a braying ass. His trumpeter is
dead, he is therefore forced to sound his own trumpet. He would make an
excellent trumpeter, for he has a strong breath; said of one having a
foetid breath.
TRUMPS. To be put to one’s trumps: to be in difficulties, or put to one’s
shifts. Something may turn up trumps; something lucky may happen. All his
cards are trumps: he is extremely fortunate.
TRUNK. A nose. How fares your old trunk? does your nose still stand fast?
an allusion to the proboscis or trunk of an elephant. To shove a trunk: to
introduce one’s self unasked into any place or company. Trunk-maker like;
more noise than work.
TRY ON. To endeavour. To live by thieving. Coves who try it on; professed
TU QUOQUE. The mother of all saints.
TUB THUMPER. A presbyterian parson.
TUCKED UP. Hanged. A tucker up to an old bachelor or widower; a supposed
TUFT HUNTER. A it anniversary parasite, one who courts the acquaintance of
nobility, whose caps are adorned with a gold tuft.
TUMBLER. A cart; also a sharper employed to draw in pigeons to game;
likewise a posture-master, or rope-dancer. To shove the tumbler, or
perhaps tumbril; to-be whipt at the cart’s tail.
TO TUNE. To beat: his father tuned him delightfully:
perhaps from fetching a tune out of the person beaten, or from a
comparison with the disagreeable sounds of instruments when tuning.
TO TUP. To have carnal knowledge of a woman.
TUP. A ram: figuratively, a cuckold.
TUP RUNNING. A rural sport practised at wakes and fairs in Derbyshire; a
ram, whose tail is well soaped and greased, is turned out to the
multitude; any one that can take him by the tail, and hold him fast, is to
have him for his own.
T—D. There were four t—ds for dinner: stir t—d, hold t—d, tread t—d, and
mus-t—d: to wit, a hog’s face, feet and chitterlings, with mustard. He
will never sh—e a seaman’s t—d; i.e. he will never make a good seaman.
TURF. On the turf; persons who keep running horses, or attend and bet at
horse-races, are said to be on the turf.
TURK. A cruel, hard-hearted man. Turkish treatment; barbarous usage.
Turkish shore; Lambeth, Southwark, and Rotherhithe side of the Thames.
TURNCOAT. One who has changed his party from interested motives.
TURNED UP. Acquitted; discharged.
TURNIP-PATED. White or fair-haired.
TURNPIKE MAN. A parson; because the clergy collect their tolls at our
entrance into and exit from the world.
TUZZY-MUZZY. The monosyllable.
TWADDLE. Perplexity, confusion, or any thing else: a fashionable term that
for a while succeeded that of BORE. See BORE.
TWANGEY, or STANGEY. A north country name for a taylor.
TWEAGUE. In a great tweague: in a great passion. Tweaguey; peevish,
TO TWEAK. To pull: to tweak any one’s nose.
TWELVER. A shilling.
TWIDDLE POOP. An effeminate looking fellow.
IN TWIG. Handsome; stilish. The cove is togged in twig; the fellow is
dressed in the fashion.
TO TWIG. To observe. Twig the cull, he is peery; observe the fellow, he is
watching us. Also to disengage, snap asunder, or break off. To twig the
darbies; to knock off the irons.
TWISS. (IRISH) A Jordan, or pot de chambre. A Mr. Richard Twiss having in
his “Travels” given a very unfavourable description of the Irish
character, the inhabitants of Dublin, byway of revenge, thought proper to
christen this utensil by his name—suffice it to say that the baptismal
rites were not wanting at the ceremony.
TWIST. A mixture of half tea and half coffee; likewise brandy, beer, and
eggs. A good twist; a good appetite. To twist it down apace; to eat
TWISTED. Executed, hanged.
TO TWIT. To reproach a person, or remind him of favours conferred.
TWITTER. All in a twitter; in a fright. Twittering is also the note of
some small birds, such as the robin, &c.
TWO HANDED PUT. The amorous congress.
TWO THIEVES BEATING A ROGUE. A man beating his hands against his sides to
warm himself in cold weather; called also beating the booby, and cuffing
TWO TO ONE SHOP. A pawnbroker’s: alluding to the three blue balls, the
sign of that trade: or perhaps to its being two to one that the goods
pledged are never redeemed.
TWO-HANDED. Great. A two-handed fellow or wench;
a great strapping man orwoman,
TYE. A neckcloth.
TYBURN BLOSSOM. A young thief or pickpocket, who in time will ripen into
fruit borne by the deadly never-green.
TYBURN TIPPET. A halter; see Latimer’s sermon before.
Edward VI. A. D. 1549.
TYBURN TOP, or FORETOP. A wig with the foretop combed over the eyes in a
knowing style; such being much worn by the gentlemen pads, scamps, divers,
and other knowing hands.
TYKE. A dog, also a clown; a Yorkshire tyke-
VAGARIES. Frolics, wild rambles.
VAIN-GLORIOUS, or OSTENTATIOUS MAN. One who boasts without reason, or, as
the ers say, pisses more than he drinks.
VALENTINE. The first woman seen by a man, or man seen by a woman, on St.
Valentine’s day, the 14th of February, when it is said every bird chuses
his mate for the ensuing year.
TO VAMP. To pawn any thing. I’ll vamp it, and tip you the cole: I’ll pawn
it, and give you the money. Also to refit, new dress, or rub up old hats,
shoes or other wearing apparel; likewise to put new feet to old boots.
Applied more particularly to a quack bookseller. |
La Mansión del
Inglés. https://www.mansioningles.com © Copyright La Mansión del Inglés C.B.
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