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Gramática inglesa en español con ejercicios prácticos resueltos.
LISTENING. Sonidos con ejercicios prácticos, soluciones y texto de transcripción.
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Describing People

In the listening you heard some adjectives that are used to describe people (nice, lovely, kind, friendly etc.)

Write the English adjectives below (they are all similar translations).

- tolerante
- paciente
- sociable
- aventurero/a
- maduro/a
- sincero/a
- decidido/a, resuelto/a
- práctico/a

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Haz click para escuchar Listen and repeat the adjectives

Match some more adjectives with their Spanish translations.

1. educado/a
2. tacaño/a, malo/a
3. egoísta
4. perezoso/a
5. sensible
6. sensato/a
7. malhumorado/a, de humor variable
8. de fiar, de confianza,
9. mal carácter, mal genio
10. alegre

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Haz click para escuchar Listen and repeat the adjectives

Now write the adjectives from the previous exercises in the table below to form the negative. If the adjective does not go with a prefix (un-, in, im-), write a different word to make the opposite. Follow the examples.

Un- In- Im- Different word
unreliable intolerant impatient bad-tempered / sweet-tempered, calm

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Complete the sentences with an adjective from the previous exercise.

1. Thank you so much for lunch in this lovely restaurant. It was very of you.
2. A person who doesn’t like to meet and spend time with other people is .
3. He’s 43 years old and behaves like a child. He’s so .
4. I like trekking, skiing, climbing and exploring different countries, but my wife only wants to sit next to a swimming pool all day. She’s so .
5. The opposite of selfish is .
6. My girlfriend is always smiling, laughing and in a good mood. I don’t know what makes her so all the time.
7. The waiter will bring your dessert in a moment, darling. Don’t be so .
8. It takes me such a long time to make up my mind whenever I go shopping. I’m so .
9. Don’t believe a word he says. He never tells the truth and he cannot be trusted. He’s so .
10. You left your wallet on the table outside, and went inside the café to go to the toilet! That wasn’t very , was it? I’m not surprised it was stolen.

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Haz click para escuchar Read, listen and repeat the sentences to practise pronunciation. Use the pause button on your media player to give you time to repeat.

The Simpsons

Read the text about the Simpsons and write questions for the answers below. Follow the example.

The Simpsons are a typical family who live in a fictional "Middle American" town of Springfield. Homer, the father, works as a safety inspector at the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant - a job which doesn’t really fit his careless, clown-like personality. He is married to Marge Simpson, a stereotypical American housewife and mother. They have three children: Bart, a ten-year-old troublemaker; Lisa, a precocious eight-year-old activist; and Maggie, a baby who rarely speaks, but communicates by sucking on a pacifier. The family has a dog, Santa's Little Helper, and a cat, Snowball II. Both pets have had starring roles in several episodes. The first Simpsons episode was shown in 1987. Despite the passing of the years and celebrations such as holidays or birthdays, the Simpsons do not physically age and still look the same as they did at the end of the 1980s.
Ayudacareless = descuidado, despreocupado
precocious = precoz / to suck = chupar
pacifier (US) / dummy (UK) = chupete
role = papel

Write the questions for the answers.

Example: Springfield
Question: Where do the Simpsons live?

1. Homer
2. at the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant
3. He’s a safety inspector
4. Marge Simpson
5. three
6. by sucking on a pacifier
7. Yes, A dog and a cat.
8. Snowball II
9. In 1987
10. No, they look the same as they did at the end of the 1980’s.

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Haz click para escuchar Listen and repeat the questions.

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