Course Plan-Basic Course

  Vocabulary Reading Listening Pronunciation Grammar
1 - Introductions
- Countries
- Everyday objects
- Number 1-10
  - Famous people (Where are they from?) - Word stress
- Contractions
- 'To be' (is/am/are)
- my/your/his/her/their
2 - The alphabet
- Countries and nationalities
- Numbers 11-20
- A profile of Angeles - Abbreviations
- Hotel dialogue
- Spelling
- Word stress in connected speech - Basic question forms
3 - Everyday numbers
- Days of the week
- Months of the year
- A profile of Luis
- Complete a landing card
- Ordering drinks on a plane - Word stress - Possesive 'S' Adjectives
- Short answers (positive and negative)
- Negative sentences
4  - Prices 'How much is it?'
- Food
- Grouping vocabulary
- The Beckhams - Buying a sandwich   - Questions forms
- 'Can' for requests
- this/that/these/those
5 - Common verbs
- Activities
- Collocations with 'play' and 'go'
- A profile of Craig - At a party - Intonation in questions - Present simple
- Like+ing
- 'So' and 'but'
- Prepositions (to/at/in/on)
6 - Professions
- Grammar word groups
- Jack Nicholson and Jennifer Lopez   - Present simple verb endings
- Weak forms (auxiliary verbs)
- Word stress in professions
- Present simple (3rd person 'S'/does)
- Question forms (Mel Gibson)
- a/an with professions
- The article (Text on The Simpsons)
7 - Time ('What time is it?')
- Verb collocations
- Daily routine
  - Understanding the time
- An interview with Reza Shah
  - 'does' and 'doesn't'
- adverbs of frequency and word order
8 - House and furniture
- Verb revision
  - Shot dialogues
- Dictation
  - Can for request and permission (Can I...?)
- There is/are/isn't/aren't
- 'Some' and 'any'
- Prepositions of place (in front of/behind/between/next to)
mid-course test mid-course test mid-course test mid-course test mid-course test
9 - Shopping 'The sales'   - Dialogue (Craig and Angeles)
- Where were you..?
- Word stress - 'To be' (was/were)
- Prepositions of place (at/in)
10   - John Lennon biography - Sentence dictation - 'ed' endings(regular verbs)
- Identifying vowel sounds/weak forms
- The 'shwa'
- Past simple (Regular verbs)
- Question forms with 'did'
11 - Verb and noun collocations
- Colours
- Yesterday in the Life (of Craig)
- A post card
- A day in the life (of Craig) Can and can't - Can for ability (can't/could/couldn't)
- Past simple (irregular verbs)
- Present simple vs past simple
12 - Ordinal numbers
- Dates
- Opposite adjetives
- Mistery personality - When Harry Met Fran   - Time expressions
- Past simple with 'did'
13 - Food and drink
- A restaurant menu
- A shopping list - Dialogue (In a restaurant)   - Countable and uncountable nouns
- 'would' for request/öffers (What would you like?/I'd like...)
14 - Opposite adjectives (describing people) - Famous people (biographies) - Listening for opinion
- Sentence dictation
- Word stress (adjectives)
- Weak forms in connected speech
- Comparatives and superlatives
- Word order in questions
15 - Clothes
- Describing people
  - Robert De Niro (Taxi Driver)
- Matching descriptions to photos.
  - Present Continuous
- Present Continuous vs Present Simple
- 'have' and 'have got' for possession
16   - Rick Mansworth (Private Detective) Rick Mansworth (Private Detective)   - Adverbs
- Comparison of adverbs and adjectives
- Prepositions of place
- Dependent prepositions
17 - The weather
- Temperature
- Matching questions and answers   - 'Going to' - 'going to' for future plans and arrangements
- Word order
18 - The body     - Been - Present perfect with 'been'
- Past participles of regular and irregular verbs
- Present perfect vs Past simple
19   - Trivia quiz
- Sam's story
- An English tourist in Spain - Intonation in questions - Review of question words (which/how/when/what/who/where)
- Word order in questions
end of course
end of course
end of course
end of course
end of course

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