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 You’re going to listen to Rob talking about his job. Before you listen, read the following true or false questions.

Rob is a paperback writer

Rob’s employers are German.

Rob’s background is in gynaecology.

Rob sees the flexibility of his job as a definite advantage. 

Rob describes his job as being fascinating and creative.  

If Rob could change his job, he’d like to be taking drugs.  


  Now listen and answer the questions.  Haz click para escuchar el listening


  Listen to Rob again and complete the following transcription. Use the pause button on your media player to give you time to write.   Haz click para escuchar el listening

Hi Rob, welcome to Mansion Ingles. What do you do for a living?

I’m a medical writer.

Right, and what does that

That means that…well, I work for a pharmaceutical company, and when they do , so they test their drugs in animals, in cell culture and in humans..I get the results from their trials, and I write these results together as a report for the F.D.A. for tha..that new drug.

But wha..what’s F.D.A?

The F.D.A. is the food and drug administration in the United States.

Sorry, do you work for an American company?

I work for a German company, but erm…America is the biggest so, er..the F.D.A. is the…is the principle licensing authority, and we the same documents in Europe.

And what qualifications do you need for your job?

Not very much, technically. It helps if you’re a biologist, and be used to seeing these kind of results, these kind of data. Erm..and English.

Right, so you studied biology?

I’m a biologist from..from background, yeah.

O.K. Erm…what do you like about your job?

It’s very flexible. Erm..I can work from home, I can work in the office. Erm..I don’t need to have very times. I don’t need to be in the office at half past eight, I don’t have to stay in the office ‘till six o’clock. Erm…so long as the work is done and the report is finished on time, the rest .

Do you have much contact with people? part of the job, no. But within the company a lot. The company very nice, I like the people there a lot. Erm..very , very . Erm.. .

Good! And what do you dislike about it? What are the negative aspects?

The data’s not very interesting…that I write up, so..erm..yeah I have 25, 30, 000 sides of data that need to be , and that’s..erm..that’s not fascinating. It….it’s clear how it has to be written, there’s not a of creativity involved.

So, if you could have any job in the world, what would it be?

Oh Lord! Erm…probably worki…working in marketing…erm…in marketing.

So, in the same
, but…

I..I would be working for…for companies that..erm..want to sell products to people working in laboratories…erm…because that’s my I know the market. But I could work far more and have much more fun with the than I can writing for the F.D.A.

Thank you

  Check with the complete transcription   Haz click para escuchar el listening

  Listen to the conversation again and read the complete transcription. Use the help box for difficult vocabulary.  Haz click para escuchar el listening


 Transcripción Completa

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