Hello Jason and welcome to Mansión Inglés. Jason,
where are you from?
I’m from Salt Lake originally.
And where do you live now?
I live in Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, Mich…Michegan.
Why did you decide to stop eating beef?’’s got to do with the cattle and the grazing
policy in the West. Um..and..and how the ranchers get
to use the land in the West. It’s very cheap to lease land so they
run lots of cattle in the desert, which is not a
viable place to run cattle….at all..
Why not?
It’s a very dry, arid environment, it’s a very
fragile environment. It’’s delicate. Not a lot of
rainfall. It takes a long time for things to grow. It’s a
very…it’s a very settled environment. And, you introduce cattle and
they tend to destroy things. They just..they..they
ruin the water. They ruin the land, they
eat the grass. What little grass there is that grows, they eat. And
they trample things.
And how long has this been going on?
Hundreds of years. It’s…how the West was won. And th..that’s
basically it.
And can you see a change in the future?
Not likely. They have a..they have a large……they
have a lot of pull, especially if you look at the administr…the
current administration in the…in the White House. This is..this
is..a Westerner, a..a.Southerner..erm..and somebody who is…and a
Republican. and somebody who is not likely to change for the environment.
Okay, thank you very much.
Your certainly welcome.