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A person who is addicted to alcohol is called an alcoholic.
Someone who can’t stop eating chocolate is a chocoholic.

 Before you listen to a psycho analyst’s interview with a chocoholic read the following questions.

How much does the man weigh?


What chocolate product did he eat yesterday?


Which of the following does the man NOT describe as being a reason for wanting to eat chocolate


The man associates chocolate with which emotion?



  Now listen to the conversation and answer the questions.  Haz click para escuchar el listening


  Match the words and expressions on the left with their Spanish equivalents on the right. Follow the example.

to fall apart                                             

at short notice                               



to melt                                         

to break off (a relationship)              


  Listen again and complete the following transcription. Use the ‘pause’ button on your media player to give you time to write.Haz click para escuchar el listening 

Good morning Doctor.

Good morning

Thank you for me at such short notice.

Not a problem. What’s wrong?

Well, I’ve got this..erm..chocolate addiction…that’s rather .


I’m a chocoholic

And I came to this a few weeks ago and I decided to look for help, professional help.

O.K. So, what happens?

I eat chocolate .

And how does that make you feel?


Are you fat?

I’m fatter than I should be.

A lot fatter than you should be?

Probably about 12 kilos.

And how much do you weigh?

84 or 85 kilos.

And how does that make you feel about

Very . Especially when I eat chocolate and I can’t stop myself.
I had the most hot chocolate yesterday; Aztec, dark, 70% cocoa. It was orgasmic.

And what makes you want to eat the chocolate?

The smell, it stimulates me. It melts at body temperature, and it gives a warm sensation; rather like being in love.

So you make the association between chocolate and love?

It’s a similar feeling. There’s this feeling of …feeling euphoric and just incredibly upbeat, happy…and then you get on the scales and the world just falls apart. Can you help me doctor?

And, do you have a

I had been seeing a girl from Cadburys, but we had to break it off



 Now check with the complete transcription Haz click para escuchar el listening
Listen to the conversation again and read the complete transcription Haz click para escuchar el listening


 Transcripción Completa

La Mansión del Inglés.
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