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  You are going to listen to Janet speaking about art therapy. Before you listen, read the following questions.

Janet says that art therapy helps mentally ill people to express their feelings.
    a)using words
    b)making art and drawing
    c)using different tools

  2. How long did Janet study in order to become qualified in art therapy?.
    a)two years
    b)four years
    c)six years

  3. How does Janet think the salary of an art therapist compares with other professions?.
    a)The salary is better.
    b)The salary is worse.
    c)The salary is about the same.

  4. if Janet wasn’t an art therapist, she would like to be.
    a)a zoologist
    b)an elephant
    c)another kind of animal

Listen. Haz click para escuchar el listening


Listen again and complete the following transcription. Use the ‘pause’ button on your media player to give you time to write.Haz click para escuchar el listening

- Hello Janet, welcome to Mansión Inglés. Erm..could you explain to us please what art therapy is?

- Art therapy is a tool that’s help the mentally ill, or people that… have a hard time expressing themselves with words. So it’s through drawings and through making art that they’re their feelings out.

- So..erm.. how long does someone to become qualified?

- Well..I..I studied four years of , but not in….art, and then two years of in art therapy. So it’s about six years.

- So you really an artist to do art therapy.

- You but helps.

- Okay.

- It helps you have an understanding..a better understanding of the art and the of making art.

- Do you think it’s a - job compared to other professions?

- Absolutely not!

- And a final question; if you could change your profession, erm..what would you like to do?

- I think I’d like to be zoologist.

- You’d like to work with animals.

- Actually…..and study animals.

- Any animals ?

- Elephants.

- Thank you.

- Your welcome.


  Check with the complete transcription.

  Listen again and read the complete transcription. Use the ‘help’ box to help you with difficult vocabulary.Haz click para escuchar el listening


 Transcripción Completa

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