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Erm Betsy...erm..wh..what’s your opinion of George W Bush. Do you think he’s a good president?

I think George Bush…er..let me think one minute for a second here…I think I was opposed to , personally, going to war in Iraq, and it seems to me to be a bit more than occupation and I think, personally, from my point of view, had he been able to actually garner support from the entire world, or at least a larger (quote unquote) “coalition” , than America, Britain and Afgan…y’know..where ever else he found would have felt a lot calmer and more supportive of the actions taken.

So do you hold it against..erm.. France and Germany for not supporting America?

Not at all. I think I more or less stand in their camp.


Yes. How about you?

Erm..I’m probably a bit more extreme than that, I mean I was against the war from the beginning and I haven’t changed my opinion since.

Weren’t they?


Weren’t they also against the war from the beginning?


France, Germany, Russia.

Yeah, but Britain wasn’t.

No Britain, right. Britain was for it. But those…those other three…

Yeah they were…yeah

Opposed…Right. I’m with them.

Me too.


Do you feel safer now, or more at risk from terrorists?

I feel more at risk think we have… further ignited some of the passions against the United States, and with just cause.

Thank you

Thank You


garner support = to get/obtain support
to hold it against someone = tener algo en contra de alguien, pensar mal de alguien
to stand in their camp = to agree totally with their opinion and support them
to be at risk = estar a reisgo de
to ignite = encender
to have just cause = con razón

La Mansión del Inglés.
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