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You are going to listen to Demetria who runs a business by herself in Tanzania, Africa. Before you listen, read the following questions.

1.How old is Demetria?


2.What business does she run?

3.Does she have any children?

environment = medio ambiente
paints = pinturas
mattress = colchón

Haz click para escuchar el listeningNow listen and answer the questions.


Now read the following questions.

Which countries are her parents from?

How old are her sons?

Does Demetria live in a city or a town?

Which of the following adjectives does Demitria NOT use to describe her situation?


What are Demetria’s goals in life?


Haz click para escuchar el listeningListen again and complete the transcription. Use the pause button on your media player to give you time to write.

Hi My name is Demetria. Er.. I’m 47 years old. Er..I live in Tanzania. I’m half Greek half Italian, but I was born in...I was in Tanzania. I’ve got two sons, one’s 23 one’s 22. I’m a the moment I’m working, I’m running my mum’s restaurant. It’s very challenging, like I tell everybody, it’s good because you’ve got..we’ve got to prove that even though we’re women we can still do it, and if I can do it I think that can.’s quite difficult in Africa being a..a woman running a , but I think that’s what makes it challenging…to prove that you can do it can be difficult at times, it can be lonely at times because where I it’s a small town. But as long as you’ve got your goals in , which are my two boys, erm..I think y’know, you just and you just start a new day and just think everything positive. And every time you think of something I think of my two boys and I with my life, but there are times it’s very difficult. I’ve learnt that you should never never in life ‘cos there’s always a goal in your life.

Haz click para escuchar el listeningListen again and read the complete transcription. Use the Help box for difficult words.


 Transcripción Completa

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