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Haz click para escuchar el listening D.I.Y. or "Do It Yourself" (bricolaje in Spanish) is popular in Britain and in France. Listen to John who is restoring a beautiful old house in the French countryside. While you’re listening, try to answer the following questions:

1. How long have John and his wife had the house?

2. How long did the builder work in the house for?

3. Is John working on the house next month also?

4. Is John afraid of making mistakes?

Listen again and write the missing words in the following transcription. 


La Mansión del Inglès is in France today, and here with John in his wonderful . John, how long have you and Val had this house?

We’ve had it about erm…a year and three months now, since we first saw it.

And what have you to it inside the house?

Structurally inside the house we’re trying to take most of the house apart, and put it back to its original .

I see. Have you done all the work ?

No, unfortunately we had a builder come in for nine days, after that fact we decided we would do all of the work .

And what is there still left to do on the house?

Well, it depends what your runs to.

Uh huh. Have you got any for next month for example?

For next month no we don’t have any , we’re taking a bit of a vacation for the next month as we’ve been working very for the last twelve.

John, this sounds like an incredibly big project that you’re doing at the moment, what would you say to people doing something like this, restoring an old property?

Well, I wouldn’t take on anything that was too big, too much of a concept, unless you really have a lot of and a lot of energy to do it. There are many things that you’re gonna come across, obviously it also runs into a lot of when you take on a huge like this, …erm..and…

Are you of making mistakes?

No I’m not of making mistakes, I can always take the mistakes apart and re-do them again.

Well that’s very sound . Thank you very much John.


 Transcripción Completa 

La Mansión del Inglés.
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