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Read the following questions about Innes's Job.

1. What’s Innes’s job?

2. Did Innes have to study?

3. What would Innes like to do if he didn’t have his current job?

Now listen to Innes and  answers the questions.  Haz click para escuchar el listening


Listen again and make a list of the good things and the bad things about Innes’s job. 

Advantages Disadvantages


Listen again and write the missing words in the following transcription. Use the pause button on your media player to give you time to write. Haz click para escuchar el listening

Hello Innes. Welcome to Mansion Ingles.

Hello Craig, how are you?

Very well thank you.

Good, good, good.

What do you for a

Erm…I’m a chartered surveyor, Craig.

I see, and … erm … is that in London?

Erm … just
of London in … in a called Essex.

So what does a chartered surveyor do in Essex. Can you tell us about a

My job’s quite
really, .. erm … if someone in England decides to buy a house, erm … they me to look at the house and tell them if there are any needed, mainly. 

I see. Did you have to study for a long time for this job?

Erm … a very long time
Craig. Erm … fortunately that’s now over, and erm … my main job is now houses.

Do you get a company car?

Erm … I’m very
, yes I get a company car because a lot of…a lot of the time I’m driving on the roads.

How much … erm … holiday do they give you .. er .. every year?

Erm…because I’ve been at the company for a
of years, I get five weeks holiday a year.

So, what do you think is the best thing about your job, is it the car, the holidays…?

No, it’s…it’s in my mind being a
. Looking at the house where the are trying to the defects for obvious reasons.

Why…why would the owners try to
the defects?

Because they’re trying to sell their house, and they want the buyer to think their house is in very very good

Uh ha

My job is to … erm … if possible .. erm .. find any
that are covered, or not known to the .

I see. Erm … what’s the worst thing about your job?

Erm..the worst thing about my job is looking in people’s drains, or down their toilets.

I see. If you were not a chartered surveyor, what
you like to do?

Th..s… a very good question, Craig. Erm … ideally I’d like to be a
like Tiger Woods or a fly fisherman.

Well, good luck with
of those.

I’m grateful for that Craigy

Check with the complete transcription.

 Transcripción Completa 

La Mansión del Inglés.
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