In this First Episode of
What is the FCE exam?
Why take First Certificate? How can you
register with Cambridge?
Welcome to PASS FCE, a Mansion Ingles podcast specifically created to help
you pass the Cambridge First Certificate in English Exam.
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consulta nuestras preguntas más frecuentes)

Do you have the level?
How Do you know? What do you do if you already
have the level? What do you do if you don’t have the level yet?
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7 Reasons
why you should
study for the FCE exam at a language academy and not prepare by yourself.
1. Organization
2. Motivation
3. Teacher and peer support
4. Speaking
5. Accountability
6. Consistency
7. Fun
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Organizing Vocabulary
Tips and techniques
It’s easier to remember! It’s better to learn words in groups than learning
a long list of words that are not connected.
Your coursebook, if you are following a course, is probably organised by
You have learned a word when:
1. You know what it means
2. You know how to say it
3. You know how to spell it
4. You know when and when not to use it (put it in context)
5. You know the grammar of the word (e.g. which word must follow it?) –
collocation, dependent prepositions etc
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4 parts – 14 minutes (2 minutes, 4 minutes, 4 minutes, 4 minutes).
Part 1 – Introductions and answering questions on personal information.
Speak about your family, home, job/studies, hobbies, holidays, future plans
Part 2 – Photos – you speak for one minute each and make a comment (about 30
seconds) after your partner has spoken.
Compare two photographs. Give your opinion and say how the photographs make
you feel. Listen and answer the question that the examiner asks you about
the photos.
Part 3 – You speak together with your partner. This is a discussion and
decision-making task.
Give (and justify) your opinion, make suggestions, agree (or disagree) with
your partner, speculate and evaluate and try to reach a decision through
Part 4 – A discussion expanding the topic in Part 3. The examiner will ask
you and your partner questions.
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