1. Camilla accused Charles (1) of making her (1)
2. You must (1) have/’ve been (1) exhausted after working
all the weekend.
3. Randy told Samantha (1) (that) he would (1) see her
Saturday night.
4. I have no/haven’t any/make no (1) objection to (1) you
sleeping with other men.
5. Pepito agreed to do the shopping despite being (1) very (1)
6. I’m not used to (1) having (1) a siesta.
7. Would you mind taking (1) care of (1) our plants while we
are on holiday?
8. Nobody in Hollywood is better at (1) acting than (1) Jack
9. My uncle learnt Spanish at the (1) age of (1) 65.
10. “Who does this Gameboy (1) belong to (1) the teacher
asked the students.
11. Tickets for the U2 concert aren’t/are not (1) being sold (1)
until next week. OR
Tickets for the U2 concert will not/won’t be (1) being sold (1)
until next week.
12. The curry was too (1) spicy for (1) Manoli to eat.
13. I wish (that) (1) I’d/I had kissed (1) her when I had
the chance.
14. Take a sleeping bag in case (1) you have to (1) sleep
15. I have not/haven’t (1) been/got drunk for (1) eight
months. |
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