You are going to read a magazine article about a radio presenter. Choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best
according to the text.
Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet
How To Do It
• Read the text quickly to get an idea of the topic.
• Read the questions and think about what the answers could be.
• Read the text again more carefully.
• Find the part in the text which has the answer.
• Choose the most logical answer and try to justify your answer with words
in the text.
• Eliminate the incorrect answers by using information in the text.
• If you don’t know the answer, guess A, B, C or D. Never leave a question
unanswered. A question with no answer is always wrong!
• Often you will have to choose between two posible answers. That’s a guess
of 50%. Try to use information in the text to make an intelligent guess.
• You do not have much time, so work quickly.
• In part 5, each correct answer receives two marks.
Note: the following exercise is for practice and has one more question
than in the real exam.
A Female DJ on the Spanish Coast
Shelby Wrightmate talks to Frank Words about what
it's like being a DJ at Costa Blanca Radio.
Wrightmate is the only female presenter at Costa Blanca
Radio, the only English speaking radio station on the Costa Blanca coast.
She got into music while she was a student in London. She won a
competition at The Hippodrome disco in London’s West End and hasn’t looked
back since. 'I had a 15 minute spot to mix sounds and impress the judges.
I chose some rap fusion, mixed in some other sounds, and I even sang
myself for a bit. I thought I was terrible,' she says, ‘but the judges
gave me first prize and apart from winning £1000, they gave me a regular 2
hour Friday night DJ spot at the Hippodrome. I couldn’t believe my luck.
It was like a dream come true.’ She worked
there part-time for
eighteen months, while finishing her degree in business studies at The
University of North London, and took the next flight to Spain.
is a London girl and coming to the Costa Blanca was like being in London
again. 'I grew up in Romford, Essex which is just outside London,' she
says. 'But I’d always dreamed of living in a sunny country like Spain. My
friends are amazed that I decided to change my life and my country, but
everyone is so friendly here, there are lots of English people living here
and who have kindly offered advice and help. The staff at the radio
station have been fantastic also. Al Koholic , the station manager,
actually lent me one of the station’s lorries to bring my clothes and
furniture over from the UK.'
Shelby claims never to get nervous before a show. ‘Nerves don’t help
anyone’, she says. 'You can't get nervous because then you make mistakes.'
Of course, there has been the occasional
disaster. 'For instance, when I did my first live concert show from
Benidorm. The Rolling Stones were playing and I was asked to introduce
them to a crowd of 35,000 and on live TV!.I went on stage and said: "Please
welcome the most famous rock band in the world, their last album ....."
Then I just went blank. There was this silence from the crowd, and for the
life of me I couldn't think of the name of The Stones last album. Someone
shouted the name, ‘Bridges To Babylon’, from the side of the stage. That's
one occasion that I’d like to forget.'
says that her own musical tastes are varied. ‘I’m very lucky at Costa
Blanca because they let me pick my own music for my shows. I select the
tracks in advance and pass them to the station manager for approval. There
isn’t usually a problem because so many listeners write and tell us how
much they like the music I select,' she says. 'But for someone who likes
music, this is a dream job. I get to go to concerts, meet the musicians
and interview the stars that come and play in Spain. It's great to hear
the show business gossip.'
Shelby isn't the sort of girl to get involved in drink and drugs. 'Of
course, I come across a lot of drugs and alcohol in my line of work. They
are usually offered around in the clubs and at the parties. I went a bit
crazy when I first came out here, but I soon realized that it’s a recipe
for disaster.'
Shelby Wrightmate is very nice, easy-going and a pleasure to talk to. She
is so full of life that she quickly passes on her enthusiasm and love of
music. She claims that her ambition in life is to make people happy
through music. In my opinion she is doing
that already!
Use the notes that we have added to help you.
1. What do we learn about Shelby in the first paragraph?
A She stopped studying to
become a DJ. (Did she stop studying, or was she working and studying?)
B She expected to win the
competition. (Did she think she was lucky or good?)
C She worked and studied at
the same time. (Did she have a job? Where? Was she at university?)
D She practised singing
before the competition. (Did she sing? Did she practise singing? Is
it the same?)
2. What does
there refer to? (This is a place where she worked part-time
for 18 months. Read the three previous sentences to find the answer)
A Costa Blanca Radio
B The Hippodrome Disco
C Spain
D The University of North
3. What point does Shelby make about the people she has
met in Spain?
A Everyone has been very
supportive. (What sort of things do people do when they give you
B The station manager at
Costa Blanca Radio is also a lorry driver. (Did he drive the lorry or
lend it to her?)
C She only came to Spain for
the sun not the people. (She ‘dreamed of living in a sunny country’,
but is the sun the only reason she came to Spain?)
D She has had problems
making friends in Spain. (Does she actually say this in the text?)
4. At Shelby's first live concert show she
A was distracted by people
shouting names at her. (How many people shouted at her? How many
B was nervous because of the
big crowd and live TV. (What does she say about being nervious in the
first line of the paragraph?)
C got nervous because of The
Rolling Stones. (What does she say about being nervious in the first
line of the paragraph?)
D had a sudden loss of
memory. (Did she forget something? What?)
5. What does Shelby say about the music she plays on
her radio show?
A She has to play music
selected by the station manager. (Who selects the music tracks and
who approves them?)
B She can play what she
likes if the station manager agrees. (Why does she say, ‘I’m very
C She can only play music
that the listeners ask for. (Where in the text does it say that the
listeners ask for particular music?)
D She can play what she
likes if she selects it before the show. (She ‘selects the tracks in
advance’, and then what happens?)
6. Shelby really enjoys her job because
A She can take lots of drugs.
(Does she take drugs now?)
B She finds out secrets
about famous people. (She likes ‘hearing gossip’, but do you think
this is the only reason she likes her job?)
C She’s involved with all
aspects of music (Why is it a ‘dream job’ for her? What does she say
before and after ‘dream job’?)
D She’s making business
contacts which could be useful in the future. (Can you justify and
confirm this answer somewhere in the text?)
7. In the final paragraph, the writer says that Shelby
A Was different from what he
had expected. (Where does it say what he originally expected?)
B Needs music to live and be
happy. (Can you justify and confirm this answer somewhere in the text?)
C Is always happy and
enthusiastic. (This maybe true, but can you find it in the text? Does
the text say she is always happy and enthusiastic?)
D Has fulfilled her ambition.
(What does that in the
final line refer to?)
In this part of the exam there are different types of
a) The meaning of a word or phrase (Ex. What does the writer mean
b) What word or phrases a pronoun refers to (Ex. What does ‘it’
refer to in line 45?)
The position of the word or phrases could be before or after the pronoun.
Read the words around the pronoun carefully.
c) Global comprehension (Ex. What is a suitable title for the
article? What is the writer’s opinion….?). Before you answer, think
about all of the text. This type of question usually comes at the end.
Be careful because some of the four posible answers could be correct,
but do not correctly answer the question. Other answers could be
posible, they may ven have the same words, but they do not correctly
answer the question.
The questions are always in the same order as the text.
The final question could be a global comprehension question about all of
the text.
When you find the part of the text that corresponds to the question,
underline or highlight the information to help you find the answer.
In question 2 above, you have to say what the word
‘there’ refers to. This is very common in part 5.
To find what the word refers to, look at the sentences before and after
the word.
Some other words you might see are:- it, he, she, they, her, them, our,
these etc.
Some words (do, does, did, it, so, this) can refer to verbs, nouns,
adjectives, adverbs, or to phrases and clauses.
Read the following quotations and find what the highlighted words refer to.
Follow the example.
“The young do not know enough to be cautious, and therefore
they attempt the impossible, and
achieve it, generation after generation.” Pearl S. Buck
1. “By the time you're eighty years old you’ll have learned everything.
You only have to remember it.”
George Burns
*When you think you know the answer, click on the menu to check.
2. “If you ever reach total enlightenment while drinking beer
it makes the beer shoot out of
your nose.” Jack Handy
3. “A woman drove me to drink and I didn't have the decency to thank
her”. W.C. Fields
4. “The best executive is the one who has sense enough to choose good men to do
what he wants done, and enough self-discipline not to disturb
them while
they do
it.” Theodore Roosevelt
5. “Character may be manifested in the great moments, but
it is made in the
small ones.” Phillips Brooks
6. “If you judge people, you have no time to love
them.” Mother Teresa
7. “If you want to forget something important immediately, make a note that
is to be remembered.” Edgar Allen Poe
8. “The best way to remember your wife’s birthday is to forget
it once.” E. Joseph Cossman
9. “The only thing you can do with good advice is to pass
it on.
It is never any
use to yourself.” Oscar Wilde
10. “Fight for your opinions, but do not believe that
they contain the whole
truth or the only truth.”
Charles A. Dana
11. “History teaches us that men and nations behave intelligently when
they have
exhausted all other alternatives.” Abba Eban
12. “Never accept failure, no matter how often
it visits you. Keep on going.
Never give up. Never.” Michael Smurfit
13. I have found the best way to give advice to your children is to find out
what they want and then advise
them to do it.” Harrry S. Truman
14. “Any child will tell you that the only purpose of a middle name is so he can
use it when he’s really in trouble.” Dennis Fakes
15. “The only way to get rid of a temptation is to give in to
it.” Oscar Wilde
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