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- Steph, what kind of music do you listen to at home?
- I think my music varies what mood I’m in at the time. Erm.. sometimes I like very soft music, like Johnny Mathis and Neil Sedaka. But then if I’m very up, then I listen to Genesis, Meatloaf, Queen, and The Beatles are my absolute .
- So you’ve got quite a wide range of listening…
- I’d like to think so.
- What’s the best you’ve seen?
- Erm.. Meatloaf, definitely. I managed to see them just before we moved over to Spain, which was the best thing I’ve ever seen.
- You didn’t get round to seeing The Beatles then?
- No, unfortunately I was too young.
- If you’d had the chance, which would you have seen before they broke up?
- Erm…well I’d have to say two, and that would have obviously been The Beatles. But also I adore Queen, so I’d really liked to have seen Queen.
- Two quite contrasting musics there, isn’t there? Yeah.
Is there a band or a singer you haven’t seen yet, that you would like to see?
- Erm… 
- I can answer that one myself. I’d liked to have seen Elvis Presley, and he was about my age… about the same age as me, but because he wasn’t er..I was going to say, he wasn’t allowed to perform in England. He never ever did. He only ever stopped off once, changing planes. Don’t know why he was never… allowed to play the UK.
- That was because of Colonel Parker.
- Anyway, . What were… ?
- Well…any that’s around at the moment. We were trying to get tickets to see Paul McCartney this year. But unfortunately as soon as they went , they were sold out. So, I’d like to have seen him again. I’ve seen him once already.
- Rolling Stones, no?
- No, not really.
- Okay. If you’d learnt to an when you were younger, what would you liked to have played?
- Erm.. well to be honest, I’ve never wanted to an . The thing that appeals to me is that I’d really liked to have been able to sing.
- Oh, that’s a shame!
- I know, you can sing .
- Well, a little bit. I’d like to have played the drums.
- Yeah, that makes sense.
- Well, bashing…it gets rid of a lot of frustration, doesn’t it? As well as enjoying what you’re doing.
- Yeah, exactly.
- Yeah.

La Mansión del Inglés.
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